Authorizing plugins Error while fetching plugin

windows 10 solar2D 2021.3655.

I tried all previous solution on this forum with no success.

Authorizing plugins
10:20:27.840 Error while fetching plugins:
10:20:27.840 FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
10:20:27.840 * Where:
10:20:27.840 Build file ‘C:\Users\Richarles\AppData\Local\Temp\Corona Labs\CLtmpa09856\template\app\build.gradle.kts’ line: 554
10:20:27.840 * What went wrong:
10:20:27.840 Error while fetching plugins:
10:20:27.840 * Try:
10:20:27.840 Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
10:20:27.840 * Get more help at
10:20:27.840 BUILD FAILED in 7s
10:20:27.840 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
10:20:28.130 Android build failed (1) after 12 seconds

can you help me please ???
I tested all releases versions of solar2D with a brand new computer. I get the same error.
what does that means ???

Look like a android plugin is no downloading properly

Can you post build.settings

– For more information on build.settings, see the Project Build Settings guide at:

settings =
orientation =
– Supported values for orientation:
– portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight

             default = "portrait",
         supported = { "portrait", },


-- Android section
android =
	usesPermissions =

-- iOS section
iphone =
	plist =
		UIStatusBarHidden = false,
		UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen",
		CFBundleIconFiles =

-- Plugins section
plugins =


-- Project section
excludeFiles =
	-- Exclude unnecessary files for each platform
	ios = { "Icon.png", "Icon-*dpi.png", },
	android = { "Icon.png", "Icon-??.png", "Icon-???.png", "LaunchScreen.storyboardc", },


1 Like

it’s looks like a Solar2D simulator bug. I got the same error while building a sample corona’s project.
I thank something is wrong while solar2D working with gradle.
I try with several computer I got the same error.
I see also the build file : build.gradle.kts is deleted automatically by itself when the build become fail. I do a copy of all converted files of my project during the process.
let me show you the content of the lines of file that generated the error. build.gradle.kts (40.6 KB)

// Download plugins
logger.lifecycle("Authorizing plugins")
if (reDownloadPlugins) {


    val buildDataStr = coronaBuildData?.let { file(it).readText() } ?: run {
        val fakeBuildData = (parsedBuildProperties.obj("buildSettings") ?: JsonObject())
        fakeBuildData["targetAppStore"] = coronaTargetStore
        fakeBuildData["dailyBuildYear"] = dailyBuildYear
        fakeBuildData["dailyBuildRevision"] = dailyBuildRevision
        fakeBuildData["appName"] = coronaAppFileName ?: "Corona App"
    val buildParams = JsonObject(mapOf(
            "appName" to coronaAppFileName,
            "appPackage" to coronaAppPackage,
            "build" to dailyBuildRevision,
            "buildData" to buildDataStr,
            "modernPlatform" to "android",
            "platform" to "android",
            "pluginPlatform" to androidDestPluginPlatform,
            "destinationDirectory" to coronaPlugins.absolutePath
    val builderInput = file("$buildDir/tmp/builderInput.json")
    val builderOutput = ByteArrayOutputStream()
    val execResult = exec {
        commandLine(coronaBuilder, "plugins", "download", "--android-offline-plugins", "builderInput=${builderInput.absolutePath}")
        standardOutput = builderOutput
        errorOutput = builderOutput
        isIgnoreExitValue = true
    if (execResult.exitValue != 0) {
        logger.error("Error while fetching plugins: $builderOutput")
        throw InvalidPluginException("Error while fetching plugins: $builderOutput")
    if((System.getenv("DEBUG_BUILD_PROCESS")?.toIntOrNull() ?: 0) > 0 ) {
        logger.lifecycle("Plugins collector output: $builderOutput")
    logger.lifecycle("Unpacking plugins")
    fileTree(coronaPlugins) {
    }.forEach { data ->
        copy {

Can you post a basic a sample project of this issue? I need to be able to reproduce this on my computer to be able to help you. (85.6 KB) attached is the test project.

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