Autocompletion is not working in Atom and Visual Studio Code

I installed autocomplete-corona plugin in both editors, and neither is working. I can’t find file type “Corona Lua” in these editors. 

Only working editor is Sublime text.

What is problem? 

For Atom:
In version 1.1.4 the syntax for which the plugin will work on this is not specified; you need to go to the plug-in folder for Atom and find the plug-in folder “autocomplete-corona” and find the “main.coffe” file in the lib folder ( C:\Users\USERNAME.atom\packages\autocomplete-corona\lib) and in this file, change the line “packageDeps.install()” to "packageDeps.install(‘language-lua’)"

У меня так же

Please respond with English in the forums, please or use one of our Russian social channels like or telegram.


For Atom:
In version 1.1.4 the syntax for which the plugin will work on this is not specified; you need to go to the plug-in folder for Atom and find the plug-in folder “autocomplete-corona” and find the “main.coffe” file in the lib folder ( C:\Users\USERNAME.atom\packages\autocomplete-corona\lib) and in this file, change the line “packageDeps.install()” to "packageDeps.install(‘language-lua’)"

У меня так же

Please respond with English in the forums, please or use one of our Russian social channels like or telegram.
