I’m trying to build my CoronaSDK Android app using the CoronaBuilder.app which is included in Corona Enterprise. The command I use is the following:
/Applications/CoronaEnterprise/Corona/mac/bin/CoronaBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/CoronaBuilder build --lua build.lua
So far the I got these parameters in my build.lua, mostly from trial and error:
local params = { platform='Android', appName='My App Name', appVersion='2.5.0', dstPath='/Volumes/builds/dest', projectPath='/Volumes/builds/src', subscription='enterprise', sdkPath='/Library/Android/sdk', androidAppPackage='com.myapp' }
This already produces an apk file, but it is signed with the debug key and has no app version code set. I can’t find any documentation for CoronaBuilder.app apart from the help it prints out by itself (and that is only an example for an iOS app).
Has anybody successfully built Android apps this way or is there any documentation of the parameters available? In particular I’m looking for parameters to set the version code as well as my own keystore.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Best regards