AutoRequest: The app that makes social networking infinitely easier

Hi everyone,
I recently released my first app AutoRequest. Go check it out, you will love it! (if you use social networking)

The FB page:

App store link:


AutoRequest helps you with the inconvenience of adding people on Facebook or following people by simply bumping phones together.

Usernames can be tricky. Have you ever mixed up an “0” for an “o”? or a “3” for an “E” or plenty of other number substitutions for letters? With AutoRequest you only have to worry about typing only YOUR username into this app ONCE and you will never have to deal with usernames again!

Supported sites:
[import]uid: 113560 topic_id: 33598 reply_id: 333598[/import]

Oh and here is a screenshot

Photo Oct 31, 3 13 07 PM [import]uid: 113560 topic_id: 33598 reply_id: 133538[/import]

Very nice idea! Hefty typo on the second screenshot though :slight_smile:
[import]uid: 93133 topic_id: 33598 reply_id: 133579[/import]

I know. I can’t believe I did that. I caught the mistake right before I sent it to apple but forgot to update the screenshot. Now I can’t change it until I send an update. [import]uid: 113560 topic_id: 33598 reply_id: 133603[/import]

Oh and here is a screenshot

Photo Oct 31, 3 13 07 PM [import]uid: 113560 topic_id: 33598 reply_id: 133538[/import]

Very nice idea! Hefty typo on the second screenshot though :slight_smile:
[import]uid: 93133 topic_id: 33598 reply_id: 133579[/import]

I know. I can’t believe I did that. I caught the mistake right before I sent it to apple but forgot to update the screenshot. Now I can’t change it until I send an update. [import]uid: 113560 topic_id: 33598 reply_id: 133603[/import]