Azmara - Mobile RPG in Development: Releasing 'test .apk' files to coronalabs forum members prior to Kickstarter launch [early bird special]

Hey Gamers,

     I thought I would share something special with the members using coronalabs as their mobile development program.

     The game my team and I have been working on for the past 4 months will be available to everyone prior to the Kickstarter launch. I would like as many people to test out this game to receive feedback for future development. Our intentions are to give different .apk files to backers on kickstarter (based on the amount pledged). From there everyone will be able to test out what we have completed so far and give their feedback via forum discussions.

    The .apk file that will be delivered will feature a central village + one dungeon. This estimated time of completing the dungeon right now is ~20-30 minutes – this will be increased before kickstarer is finished.

Our game, Azmara, is a mobile RPG that features classic 90’s inspired pixel artwork. We have discovered an innovative map-layering system, Million Tile Engine, which will revolutionize the way we play 2D RPGs. I can’t wait for everyone to see the completed game. I grew up playing countless hours of RPGs, especially the Legend of Zelda franchise. If I feel like the game does not live up to my expectations, or if the game does not give the same feeling of excitement as booting up the gameboy for the first time, it is not done yet!

Let me know if anyone is interested in ‘pre-testing’ this game. The more feedback we receive, the faster we can apply changes and improvements to the game so everyone can enjoy it.

  • Drew


im interested!

I am in


im interested!

I am in