ball stops rotating after adding radius to physics object

Hi my ball stops rotating after adding radius to physics object:

physics.addBody( player, { density=1.0, friction=0.3, bounce=0.1, radius=25} )

any reason why?

What are you using to rotate the ball? 

How are you creating the ball and when?


local player = display.newImageRect( "imgs/ball.png", 50, 50) ;  player.x = dpw/2  player.y = dph/2 - dph/2 + 100 = "player" physics.addBody( player, { density=1.0, friction=0.3, bounce=0.1, radius=25} ) player.isFixedRotation = false gameobjects:insert( player )

What is the ball supposed to be rolling on? Maybe you need to set friction and density up on the object isn’t rolling on.


that it i forgot the density & friction

What are you using to rotate the ball? 

How are you creating the ball and when?


local player = display.newImageRect( "imgs/ball.png", 50, 50) ;  player.x = dpw/2  player.y = dph/2 - dph/2 + 100 = "player" physics.addBody( player, { density=1.0, friction=0.3, bounce=0.1, radius=25} ) player.isFixedRotation = false gameobjects:insert( player )

What is the ball supposed to be rolling on? Maybe you need to set friction and density up on the object isn’t rolling on.


that it i forgot the density & friction