Beach Ball Bounce - Promo Codes - Released on IOS and Android

Hey Guys,

Check out my new game
Beach Ball Bounce

Let me know your thoughts.

Some promo codes for IOS

Chris. [import]uid: 59172 topic_id: 28554 reply_id: 328554[/import]

Hey, I used the 1st promo code and it’s great! Got 68k and up to rank 20 something :smiley:

One weird thing happened though, I got the slo-mo power up and I went straight through 3-4 platforms slowly then the ball jumped back way too fast and bumped into the spikes on the top and I died :frowning: The slo-mo feels weird, it’s feels like the ball goes down slowly but bounces back up normally if not faster.

The platform’s upward movement also feels a bit jumpy on my iPhone4.

I wanted to rate it 5 stars but iTunes won’t let me. Is it really like that? This is my first time to check out a posted game here in the forum :slight_smile: [import]uid: 144908 topic_id: 28554 reply_id: 115096[/import]

Used second promo code :slight_smile:

My best score: 16,580

I really, really enjoyed playing this - It’s surprisingly addictive.

Also using iPhone 4 here, didn’t notice any “jumpy” platforms.

RE iTunes and rating - yeah, it wont let you rate/review from a promo code - unfortunately :frowning: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 28554 reply_id: 115100[/import]

Aww too bad we can’t do a review with a promo code :frowning:

By jumpy I mean that the ball moves fluidly, but for me the platforms look like they moving up every 2 pixels. Or maybe That’s just me.

But yeah, surprisingly addicting :slight_smile: [import]uid: 144908 topic_id: 28554 reply_id: 115156[/import]

Hey Guys thanks for the feedback

bfintal i know what you are talking about. When falling through a few platforms in a row in slow motion it bounces back quite strong… and if there is a few openings above you you will bounce too high up. definately a bug. will get it sorted.
Thanks again
Chris. [import]uid: 59172 topic_id: 28554 reply_id: 115285[/import]