I have a small “spaceship” with a flame that I want to come out of the back of the ship as it moves around the screen. I tried updating the emitter x/y/rotation to be the same as the ship during EnterFrame and then calling Particles.Update() but this didn’t seem to work.
Is there a simple example of doing something like this so I can see what I might be missing?
To make this more complicated I am using Lime so I have a fairly large map, larger than the screen so not sure if it is a coordinate issue.
Also, I did not put the ship and the emitter in a group, they are both in the map which is larger than the screen. Since the ship works fine I am unclear why the emitter isn’t showing.
Also if I don’t update the emitter and only show it where the ship is before it moves then it works. [import]uid: 111413 topic_id: 27377 reply_id: 327377[/import]