I spent Wednesday sending out press emails for my game, Game of Loot (Read: Basicly the launch date is set in stone for July 30th.)
Then I wake up to find Game of Loot and Angry Birds 2 will both be launching on the 30th of this month. Obviously this worries me. Originally I pushed back the game’s launch due to the press surrounding E3. Now, I will have to compete with what will be a whirl wind of Angry Bird Press. So now I am wondering if I will have a chance to get press coverage. Obviously press is essential in a games success.
What do you think? How big is the trouble?
Developer Website: www.superultrahyper.com
Game Landing Page: www.gameofloot.com
App store links are not live until July 30th:
iOS App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1016781837
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.superultrahyper.gameofloot
Youtube Trailer: