Big Trouble?: Angry Birds 2 and Game of Loot both available on the 30th (My Game)

I spent Wednesday sending out press emails for my game, Game of Loot (Read: Basicly the launch date is set in stone for July 30th.)

Then I wake up to find Game of Loot and Angry Birds 2 will both be launching on the 30th of this month. Obviously this worries me. Originally I pushed back the game’s launch due to the press surrounding E3. Now, I will have to compete with what will be a whirl wind of Angry Bird Press. So now I am wondering if I will have a chance to get press coverage. Obviously press is essential in a games success.

What do you think? How big is the trouble?


Developer Website:

Game Landing Page:

App store links are not live until July 30th:

iOS App Store:

Google Play:


Youtube Trailer:

Nothing really specific to say regarding your issue except I don’t think AB2 release necessarily means doom and gloom in terms of potential press coverage. for other games.

GL with your game !!

Nothing really specific to say regarding your issue except I don’t think AB2 release necessarily means doom and gloom in terms of potential press coverage. for other games.

GL with your game !!