In this case, it’s definitely *not* a case sensitivity issue. This is because the WP8 file system is *not* case sensitive, just like the Windows file system., I recommend that you have a look at the Visual Studio’s “Output” panel while debugging your app. It should provide clues as to why your app is not running. Odds are there is a Lua runtime error happening somewhere in your code on startup. It’s most likely caused by your app using a feature Corona does not support on WP8… or… not all of your Corona project files are flagged as “Content” in Visual Studio and they’re being excluded from your *.xap application bundle.
In case you haven’t seen it, we do have a “Porting Guide” that should help you out. Note that in the first section, it shows you how to flag all files as “Content” to ensure that they’re included with your *.xap file and a screenshot to show you where this setting is within Visual Studio.