Black screen

I have a normal work game, when i build it just with Corona pro.

Now i need to use some native methods, but first I tryed just to make a build without new methods, just using Corona enterprise libs and xCode.

I take App folder from enterprise, with ios and Corona folder inside, put my code to Corona folder, open App/ios folder, open App.xcodeproj, put on “App” name on right slider, and rename it to plzDrgns (name of my game - bundle id), after exit xCode and reopen file plzDrgns.xcodeproj and completly chage bundle id to xom.lynxar.plzDrgns.

Next my step is pushing “Run” on 4 retina iPad or other, after compiling on iPad emulator open preload background of my game for 1-2 sec, and after only black screen.

Could anyone help me? :slight_smile:

Usually if you get a black screen that means there is an error in your Lua code.  Without knowing more about what your Lua code is looking for, its pretty common for people to try and include libraries like our plugins that come with SDK builds, but have to be included in your Enterprise build.  If you’re using any plugin’s this is a place I would look. 

Xcode should provide a console log window where error messages from the Xcode simulator along with any build errors would show up.  You really should look here and see what issues are showing up.


In build.settings I have this part with plugins:

plugins =


–[“”] = {publisherId = “com.coronalabs”, supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true }},

[“”] = {publisherId = “com.coronalabs”, supportedPlatforms = { android = true }},

[“”] = {publisherId = “”, supportedPlatforms = { [“android-kindle”] = true }},

[“”] =  {  publisherId = “com.coronalabs” , supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true }}


But I never work with xcode and do not know how include libraries in it :frowning:

Lua code is right because when iI push build in Corona pro, it working normaly.

And with xCode I see proload picture, game center logining, and only after black screen :frowning: i have no errors during xcode compiling

Are you getting any errors in your Xcode’s console log?


lex2029 - it looks like you are trying to build in the plugins like Corona SDK developers do (by calling in build.settings to have it built in by the server). However, with Corona Enterprise you are building locally, so that doesn’t work.

So you need to download the plugin files from our daily builds page. Go to the Enterprise tab here:

and download one of the files called something like “CoronaEnterprisePlugins.2014.2340.tgz

The plugin files are there and those are the ones you need to include in your project.

How I have to include it and where I have to put this plugins? I have never work with xCode :frowning:

No, I told that I make workable build, and can ran it, but see only preload screen, game center, and black screen after.


Usually if you get a black screen that means there is an error in your Lua code.  Without knowing more about what your Lua code is looking for, its pretty common for people to try and include libraries like our plugins that come with SDK builds, but have to be included in your Enterprise build.  If you’re using any plugin’s this is a place I would look. 

Xcode should provide a console log window where error messages from the Xcode simulator along with any build errors would show up.  You really should look here and see what issues are showing up.


In build.settings I have this part with plugins:

plugins =


–[“”] = {publisherId = “com.coronalabs”, supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true }},

[“”] = {publisherId = “com.coronalabs”, supportedPlatforms = { android = true }},

[“”] = {publisherId = “”, supportedPlatforms = { [“android-kindle”] = true }},

[“”] =  {  publisherId = “com.coronalabs” , supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true }}


But I never work with xcode and do not know how include libraries in it :frowning:

Lua code is right because when iI push build in Corona pro, it working normaly.

And with xCode I see proload picture, game center logining, and only after black screen :frowning: i have no errors during xcode compiling

Are you getting any errors in your Xcode’s console log?


lex2029 - it looks like you are trying to build in the plugins like Corona SDK developers do (by calling in build.settings to have it built in by the server). However, with Corona Enterprise you are building locally, so that doesn’t work.

So you need to download the plugin files from our daily builds page. Go to the Enterprise tab here:

and download one of the files called something like “CoronaEnterprisePlugins.2014.2340.tgz

The plugin files are there and those are the ones you need to include in your project.

How I have to include it and where I have to put this plugins? I have never work with xCode :frowning:

No, I told that I make workable build, and can ran it, but see only preload screen, game center, and black screen after.
