Black vertical lines and little bounce on collision between player and wall

OH YES bendikr5, with your code problem 2) is solved.

BTW i’m thinking that using physics wasn’t a good idea for the kind of game i’m trying to develope :slight_smile: have to try with non physics collisions.

Problem 1) is still unresolved, help is really appreciated.

Have you testet your game on a device? The lines should be less there.

Some solutions to the flickering lines can be found here:

@AAAle I just saw this idea on another forum that you might want to try to get rid of the lines. 

display.setDefault( “isImageSheetSampledInsideFrame”, true )



This will likely fix most of your tile gap problems. Set it before you load any tile images and / or make sprite sheets from tiles (and don’t forget to reset it afterwards).


Here are the Corona docs on this attribute:


“isImageSheetSampledInsideFrame” — Affects how image sheet frames are sampled. If set to true, sampling is intruded by half of the source texture pixel size to avoid border artifacts. Default is false.


I found this info on this forum:

Kudos go to rakoonic.

Wow, just testet it and that seems to work! Thanks for sharing!

You guys are awesome!! everything solved! Thanks for you support :slight_smile: