Black vertical lines and little bounce on collision between player and wall

Hi everyone, first post for me in the Corona forums, hope to find some help from you  :slight_smile:

I’m playing around with Corona sdk from maybe two months trying to develope some sort of top view rpg and i’m having these couple of problems:

  1. I’m using Dusk to generate a map with Tiled, when i move the player around i see some random black vertical lines that i want to avoid.

  2. When the player collides with a wall it stops to move but there’s always a little bounce back after the collision. What i want is just to stop the player.

Here’s a video that explains what happens: (problem one from 00:00 to 00:12 and problem two from 00:12 to 00:22)


And here is the code i used:


display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )

display.setDefault(“minTextureFilter”, “nearest”)

display.setDefault(“magTextureFilter”, “nearest”)

display.setDefault( “background”, .216, .251, .443)

local physics = require “physics”


– physics.setDrawMode(‘hybrid’)

physics.setGravity( 0, 0 )

local dusk = require(“Dusk.Dusk”)

local map = dusk.buildMap(“levels/test.json”)

– create hero on display and add Physics to that sprite

local player = display.newImageRect(“img/player.png”, 8, 8)

physics.addBody( player, “dynamic”, {radius = player.width * 0.50}) = ‘player’

player.x = 60

player.y = 30



local speed = 1.2

local StickLib = require(“lib_analog_stick”)

MyStick = StickLib.NewStick( {

    x             = 15,

    y             = 55,

    thumbSize     = 11,

    borderSize    = 11, 

    snapBackSpeed = 0, 

    R             = 255,

    G             = 255,

    B             = 255

} )

function moveHero()

    MyStick:move(player, speed, false)



Runtime:addEventListener( “enterFrame”, moveHero )



What does your image sheet look like which you’re pulling tiles from? Can you post an example of it here?

For the bouncing part, physics objects (by default) have a little bounce factor applied to them. You can set it to 0 by adding “bounce=0” to the same table where you’ve set “radius” in the “physics.addBody()” call.

Best regards,


Hi Brent, thanks for the answer.

  1. You can find the image sheet i’m using attached to this post.

Here is the config.lua if it helps:


application =


content =


width = 80,

height = 120, 

scale = “letterBox”,

fps = 30,


imageSuffix =


   ["@2x"] = 2,





– Push notifications

notification =


iphone =


types =


“badge”, “sound”, “alert”, “newsstand”







  1. i changed the line to


physics.addBody( player, “dynamic”, { bounce=0, radius = player.width * 0.50})


But the problem isn’t solved, there’s always a little bounce back.  :frowning:

Hi again,

I’m moving this thread to the Dusk sub-forum, since I think somebody with more direct expertise with Dusk can help you with the “black vertical lines” issue. I notice those lines aren’t actually black, but instead they are the color you’ve set for the background (dark blue). This means that, in some camera scroll positions, you can “see through” the space where tiles join. I’m not sure what the best solution is for this in Dusk.

As for the bouncing, did you also set the walls to have 0 bounce? Both the player and whatever it contacts should have 0 bounce.

Best regards,


  1. Yes Brent you’re right about the lines color  :slight_smile:

For the record this happens without Dusk too, here’s another example using the perspective camera lib:

  • Map exported to .csv format

































  • main.lua code


display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )

display.setDefault(“minTextureFilter”, “nearest”)

display.setDefault(“magTextureFilter”, “nearest”)

display.setDefault( “background”, .216, .251, .443)

local physics = require “physics”


physics.setGravity( 0, 0 )

local require = require

local perspective = require(“perspective”)

local camera = perspective.createView()


function string:split( inSplitPattern, outResults )

   if not outResults then

      outResults = {}


   local theStart = 1

   local theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart )

   while theSplitStart do

      table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart, theSplitStart-1 ) )

      theStart = theSplitEnd + 1

      theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart )


   table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart ) )

   return outResults


local options =


    width = 8,

    height = 8,

    numFrames = 10


local sheet = graphics.newImageSheet( “img/environment_copy.png”, options )

– **********************************************************************************************************************


– **********************************************************************************************************************

local environmentGroup = display.newGroup()

local path = system.pathForFile( “levels/test_environment.csv” )

local tileX = 0

local tileY = 0

for line in io.lines( path ) do

    local myTable = line:split(",")

    for i = 1,#myTable do

        if i ~= 1 then

            tileX = tileX + 8


        if (myTable[i] ~= ‘-1’) then

            myTable[i] = myTable[i] + 1

            local environment = display.newImage( sheet, myTable[i], tileX, tileY )

   = ‘environment’


            camera:add(environment, 1)

            if (myTable[i] ~= 5) then

                physics.addBody(environment, “static”, { bounce=0 })




    tileY = tileY + 8;

    tileX = 0;


local player = display.newImageRect(“img/player.png”, 8, 8)

physics.addBody( player, “dynamic”, {bounce=0, radius = player.width * 0.50}) = ‘player’

player.x = 60

player.y = 80

camera:add(player, 1)

local speed = 1.2

local StickLib = require(“lib_analog_stick”)

MyStick = StickLib.NewStick( {

    x             = 15,

    y             = 55,

    thumbSize     = 11,

    borderSize    = 11, 

    snapBackSpeed = 0, 

    R             = 255,

    G             = 255,

    B             = 255

} )

function moveHero()

    MyStick:move(player, speed, false)


Runtime:addEventListener( “enterFrame”, moveHero )




  • imageset and player image attached to this post

  • same config.lua posted on my previous message.

  • Video


  1. I set bounce=0 in both the player and walls but nothing changed.

It does not look like its bouncing back on collision with the wall, but moving back when the joystick is being released. So when you release the joystick and it flings back to its center position, the player moves with the fling. 

Hi Bendikr5, i had the same thought in the first place but this happens even if you move the player with keyboard controls instead of touch.



display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )

display.setDefault(“minTextureFilter”, “nearest”)

display.setDefault(“magTextureFilter”, “nearest”)

display.setDefault( “background”, .216, .251, .443)

local physics = require “physics”


physics.setGravity( 0, 0 )

local require = require

local perspective = require(“perspective”)

local camera = perspective.createView()

function string:split( inSplitPattern, outResults )

   if not outResults then

      outResults = {}


   local theStart = 1

   local theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart )

   while theSplitStart do

      table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart, theSplitStart-1 ) )

      theStart = theSplitEnd + 1

      theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart )


   table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart ) )

   return outResults


local options =


    width = 8,

    height = 8,

    numFrames = 10


local sheet = graphics.newImageSheet( “img/environment_copy.png”, options )

– **********************************************************************************************************************


– **********************************************************************************************************************

local environmentGroup = display.newGroup()

local path = system.pathForFile( “levels/test_environment.csv” )

local tileX = 0

local tileY = 0

for line in io.lines( path ) do

    local myTable = line:split(",")

    for i = 1,#myTable do

        if i ~= 1 then

            tileX = tileX + 8


        if (myTable[i] ~= ‘-1’) then

            myTable[i] = myTable[i] + 1

            local environment = display.newImage( sheet, myTable[i], tileX, tileY )

   = ‘environment’


            camera:add(environment, 1)

            if (myTable[i] ~= 5) then

                physics.addBody(environment, “static”, { bounce=0 })




    tileY = tileY + 8;

    tileX = 0;


local player = display.newImageRect(“img/player.png”, 8, 8)

physics.addBody( player, “dynamic”, {bounce=0, radius = player.width * 0.50}) = ‘player’

player.x = 60

player.y = 80

camera:add(player, 1)

local speed = 1.2

local function onKey( event )

    print('Key ’ … event.keyName … ’ is ’ … event.phase)

    if event.keyName == “up” then

        if event.phase == “down” then

            player.isMovingUp = true


            player.isMovingUp = false


        return true

    elseif event.keyName == “down” then

        if event.phase == “down” then

            player.isMovingDown = true


            player.isMovingDown = false


        return true

    elseif event.keyName == “left” then

        if event.phase == “down” then

            player.isMovingLeft = true


            player.isMovingLeft = false


        return true

    elseif event.keyName == “right” then

        if event.phase == “down” then

            player.isMovingRight = true


            player.isMovingRight = false


        return true


    return false


Runtime:addEventListener( “key”, onKey )

function moveplayer()

    if player.isMovingUp then

        player.y = player.y - speed

    elseif player.isMovingDown then

        player.y = player.y + speed


    if player.isMovingLeft then

        player.x = player.x - speed

    elseif player.isMovingRight then

        player.x = player.x + speed



Runtime:addEventListener( “enterFrame”, moveplayer )




BTW in the first video i posted you can see i release the touch at around 00:12 and the player doesn’t go back following the joystick.

I checked the original video and you are correct! I must confess I did not read your code or check any of the other videos before commenting:)

But after reading your code, the issue might be that you are setting your players x and y explicit, and not using forces. Setting x and y does not work good with physics object, so either if that is the case or not, do not do that…

Play around with player:applyForce(xForce, yForce, player.x, player.y) and see if that solves anything.

As an example: Not tested, so adjust the force…

 if player.isMovingUp then player:applyForce(0, -50, player.x, player.y) elseif player.isMovingDown then . . .

OH YES bendikr5, with your code problem 2) is solved.

BTW i’m thinking that using physics wasn’t a good idea for the kind of game i’m trying to develope :slight_smile: have to try with non physics collisions.

Problem 1) is still unresolved, help is really appreciated.

Have you testet your game on a device? The lines should be less there.

Some solutions to the flickering lines can be found here:

@AAAle I just saw this idea on another forum that you might want to try to get rid of the lines. 

display.setDefault( “isImageSheetSampledInsideFrame”, true )



This will likely fix most of your tile gap problems. Set it before you load any tile images and / or make sprite sheets from tiles (and don’t forget to reset it afterwards).


Here are the Corona docs on this attribute:


“isImageSheetSampledInsideFrame” — Affects how image sheet frames are sampled. If set to true, sampling is intruded by half of the source texture pixel size to avoid border artifacts. Default is false.


I found this info on this forum:

Kudos go to rakoonic.

Wow, just testet it and that seems to work! Thanks for sharing!

You guys are awesome!! everything solved! Thanks for you support :slight_smile:


What does your image sheet look like which you’re pulling tiles from? Can you post an example of it here?

For the bouncing part, physics objects (by default) have a little bounce factor applied to them. You can set it to 0 by adding “bounce=0” to the same table where you’ve set “radius” in the “physics.addBody()” call.

Best regards,


Hi Brent, thanks for the answer.

  1. You can find the image sheet i’m using attached to this post.

Here is the config.lua if it helps:


application =


content =


width = 80,

height = 120, 

scale = “letterBox”,

fps = 30,


imageSuffix =


   ["@2x"] = 2,





– Push notifications

notification =


iphone =


types =


“badge”, “sound”, “alert”, “newsstand”







  1. i changed the line to


physics.addBody( player, “dynamic”, { bounce=0, radius = player.width * 0.50})


But the problem isn’t solved, there’s always a little bounce back.  :frowning:

Hi again,

I’m moving this thread to the Dusk sub-forum, since I think somebody with more direct expertise with Dusk can help you with the “black vertical lines” issue. I notice those lines aren’t actually black, but instead they are the color you’ve set for the background (dark blue). This means that, in some camera scroll positions, you can “see through” the space where tiles join. I’m not sure what the best solution is for this in Dusk.

As for the bouncing, did you also set the walls to have 0 bounce? Both the player and whatever it contacts should have 0 bounce.

Best regards,


  1. Yes Brent you’re right about the lines color  :slight_smile:

For the record this happens without Dusk too, here’s another example using the perspective camera lib:

  • Map exported to .csv format

































  • main.lua code


display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )

display.setDefault(“minTextureFilter”, “nearest”)

display.setDefault(“magTextureFilter”, “nearest”)

display.setDefault( “background”, .216, .251, .443)

local physics = require “physics”


physics.setGravity( 0, 0 )

local require = require

local perspective = require(“perspective”)

local camera = perspective.createView()


function string:split( inSplitPattern, outResults )

   if not outResults then

      outResults = {}


   local theStart = 1

   local theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart )

   while theSplitStart do

      table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart, theSplitStart-1 ) )

      theStart = theSplitEnd + 1

      theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart )


   table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart ) )

   return outResults


local options =


    width = 8,

    height = 8,

    numFrames = 10


local sheet = graphics.newImageSheet( “img/environment_copy.png”, options )

– **********************************************************************************************************************


– **********************************************************************************************************************

local environmentGroup = display.newGroup()

local path = system.pathForFile( “levels/test_environment.csv” )

local tileX = 0

local tileY = 0

for line in io.lines( path ) do

    local myTable = line:split(",")

    for i = 1,#myTable do

        if i ~= 1 then

            tileX = tileX + 8


        if (myTable[i] ~= ‘-1’) then

            myTable[i] = myTable[i] + 1

            local environment = display.newImage( sheet, myTable[i], tileX, tileY )

   = ‘environment’


            camera:add(environment, 1)

            if (myTable[i] ~= 5) then

                physics.addBody(environment, “static”, { bounce=0 })




    tileY = tileY + 8;

    tileX = 0;


local player = display.newImageRect(“img/player.png”, 8, 8)

physics.addBody( player, “dynamic”, {bounce=0, radius = player.width * 0.50}) = ‘player’

player.x = 60

player.y = 80

camera:add(player, 1)

local speed = 1.2

local StickLib = require(“lib_analog_stick”)

MyStick = StickLib.NewStick( {

    x             = 15,

    y             = 55,

    thumbSize     = 11,

    borderSize    = 11, 

    snapBackSpeed = 0, 

    R             = 255,

    G             = 255,

    B             = 255

} )

function moveHero()

    MyStick:move(player, speed, false)


Runtime:addEventListener( “enterFrame”, moveHero )




  • imageset and player image attached to this post

  • same config.lua posted on my previous message.

  • Video


  1. I set bounce=0 in both the player and walls but nothing changed.

It does not look like its bouncing back on collision with the wall, but moving back when the joystick is being released. So when you release the joystick and it flings back to its center position, the player moves with the fling. 

Hi Bendikr5, i had the same thought in the first place but this happens even if you move the player with keyboard controls instead of touch.



display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )

display.setDefault(“minTextureFilter”, “nearest”)

display.setDefault(“magTextureFilter”, “nearest”)

display.setDefault( “background”, .216, .251, .443)

local physics = require “physics”


physics.setGravity( 0, 0 )

local require = require

local perspective = require(“perspective”)

local camera = perspective.createView()

function string:split( inSplitPattern, outResults )

   if not outResults then

      outResults = {}


   local theStart = 1

   local theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart )

   while theSplitStart do

      table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart, theSplitStart-1 ) )

      theStart = theSplitEnd + 1

      theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart )


   table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart ) )

   return outResults


local options =


    width = 8,

    height = 8,

    numFrames = 10


local sheet = graphics.newImageSheet( “img/environment_copy.png”, options )

– **********************************************************************************************************************


– **********************************************************************************************************************

local environmentGroup = display.newGroup()

local path = system.pathForFile( “levels/test_environment.csv” )

local tileX = 0

local tileY = 0

for line in io.lines( path ) do

    local myTable = line:split(",")

    for i = 1,#myTable do

        if i ~= 1 then

            tileX = tileX + 8


        if (myTable[i] ~= ‘-1’) then

            myTable[i] = myTable[i] + 1

            local environment = display.newImage( sheet, myTable[i], tileX, tileY )

   = ‘environment’


            camera:add(environment, 1)

            if (myTable[i] ~= 5) then

                physics.addBody(environment, “static”, { bounce=0 })




    tileY = tileY + 8;

    tileX = 0;


local player = display.newImageRect(“img/player.png”, 8, 8)

physics.addBody( player, “dynamic”, {bounce=0, radius = player.width * 0.50}) = ‘player’

player.x = 60

player.y = 80

camera:add(player, 1)

local speed = 1.2

local function onKey( event )

    print('Key ’ … event.keyName … ’ is ’ … event.phase)

    if event.keyName == “up” then

        if event.phase == “down” then

            player.isMovingUp = true


            player.isMovingUp = false


        return true

    elseif event.keyName == “down” then

        if event.phase == “down” then

            player.isMovingDown = true


            player.isMovingDown = false


        return true

    elseif event.keyName == “left” then

        if event.phase == “down” then

            player.isMovingLeft = true


            player.isMovingLeft = false


        return true

    elseif event.keyName == “right” then

        if event.phase == “down” then

            player.isMovingRight = true


            player.isMovingRight = false


        return true


    return false


Runtime:addEventListener( “key”, onKey )

function moveplayer()

    if player.isMovingUp then

        player.y = player.y - speed

    elseif player.isMovingDown then

        player.y = player.y + speed


    if player.isMovingLeft then

        player.x = player.x - speed

    elseif player.isMovingRight then

        player.x = player.x + speed



Runtime:addEventListener( “enterFrame”, moveplayer )




BTW in the first video i posted you can see i release the touch at around 00:12 and the player doesn’t go back following the joystick.

I checked the original video and you are correct! I must confess I did not read your code or check any of the other videos before commenting:)

But after reading your code, the issue might be that you are setting your players x and y explicit, and not using forces. Setting x and y does not work good with physics object, so either if that is the case or not, do not do that…

Play around with player:applyForce(xForce, yForce, player.x, player.y) and see if that solves anything.

As an example: Not tested, so adjust the force…

 if player.isMovingUp then player:applyForce(0, -50, player.x, player.y) elseif player.isMovingDown then . . .