Blitz: Future snake

I spent at least 7 hours on this thing so I’m disqualifying myself. Wanted to share anyway.

Its a snake game with some twists. Black square is snake. Green square foods. Yellow squares are valid moves. To move to a yellow square you tap it. Once the snake reaches that square it will stop. If you stop you die. So to keep snake moving you tap again on a yellow square and once it reaches the first yellow square you tapped it moves to next and so on and so forth.

The dark red square in the centre represents how many future moves you have made. If it disappears you have stopped = dead.  The more yellow squares you tap before the snake reaches your last turn the square gets bigger. Every time your snake turns it gets smaller.

The big number is the score, +1 for each food eaten.

The more you eat, the faster the snake goes the harder it is to keep it moving.

Obvious bug is that the snake looks wonky the longer/faster it gets. 

I’m chaining transition for everything, probably not the best idea but works except maybe for the snake growing which is probably my fault anyway.


During play: 


Very cool entry!  Glad you posted this even though you went over.

Good job! This looks great! Rich

You can make a second entry and use the code you already have to build something different!

Nice work, this is a creative combination of interactions. I think you’re onto something with the idea of racing the clock and making moves in advance to build a lead. Seems like it wouldn’t be too difficult to flesh it out a bit more and publish, since the interaction stands on its own without a lot of complex leveling and other content.

Very cool entry!  Glad you posted this even though you went over.

Good job! This looks great! Rich

You can make a second entry and use the code you already have to build something different!

Nice work, this is a creative combination of interactions. I think you’re onto something with the idea of racing the clock and making moves in advance to build a lead. Seems like it wouldn’t be too difficult to flesh it out a bit more and publish, since the interaction stands on its own without a lot of complex leveling and other content.