Hi everyone,
I’ve just released the v2.0.3 of bmGlyph, with a new feature especially for Corona.
You can now export the font for ‘Corona 2.0’, which means that bmGlyph produces a .lua font file definition, and uses the new graphics.newImageSheet .
In order to use that, i made some modifications on the bmf.lua class created by a member of this forum, so you no longer need the v1 compatibility mode and the sprite.lua class.
the bmf2.lua class is also now able to deal correctly with the unicode characters!
I attached the demo project, feel free to test it and modify the class if needed, i’d love to hear your thoughts about it.
here is how to use it:
require(‘bmf2′) local myfont = bmf2.loadFont( ‘bmGlyphArial’ ) local string = bmf2.newString(myfont, “bmGlyph and Corona\ngraphics 2.0\nunicode support\nйцу\néçàà”) string.x=50 string.y=50
(v2.0.3 is available for the non-mac app store version throught the update system, and the mac app store version is currently waiting for the approval)