Hi all,
I’m making a gear puzzle where the player needs to connect differently sized gears in the proper order across screen. The far-left gear is using a pivot joint and a motor, so spins continuously. End-game is making gear on far-right spin.
I have the gears snapping to predefined “axles” on the screen. When a gear snaps to an axle, I recreate the physics body (to change the groupIndex), create a small static rect at the X & Y of the axle (anchor is centered), then create a Pivot joint between the gear and the static rect.
As soon as the gear snaps, 9/10 times it stops interacting with the main wheel, that is until I touch the gear with one of the other gears. Below is a GIF of the problem.
I have confirmed that a collision is registered between the motor-gear and the placed-gear as soon as the new body is created.
Any idea what’s causing this?