Breaking Ground

Well, people, here I am again. I feel like the best policy for any shamefaced vaporware developer is full-out honesty, so buckle up. And if you’re the TL;DR type, skip to the last paragraph.

I’ve had a difficult first semester. It wasn’t bad academically (I k’n college real good, generally), but I had a lot of trouble dealing with some issues in my friend group that I’ve never had to deal with before. (That said, because of the struggles I and my friends had, I now have three friends who are closer to me than just about anyone else in my life.) I went through a smattering of existential crises, changed my major from engineering to English with music and cinema minors, pulled a few all-nighters, and dealt with my cyclothymia on top of all that, thank you very much. Because college.

Yet having a lot of problems is little excuse for complete silence when people have grown to depend a bit on you, so I sincerely apologize for the lack of communication I’ve sustained. I should have at least kept up a few updates on where things stand. I know some of you are wondering if I’ve left Corona development for good, abandoned Dusk, or what-have-you, and I want to clarify where I am right now.

I’m still developing with Corona. Dusk is still a thing. I’m making two major games right now, and Dusk forms the foundation of both of them. I haven’t done much coding lately (I go to music when I’m upset rather than programming), but today I spent a sustained two hours picking up the threads I’d left at the start of the semester. I need to get back my momentum in game development; I don’t want to just let it atrophy. I’ve made a solid goal: I will submit a complete Dusk (with at least basic documentation and samples) as part of Corona’s plugin submission contest.

Again, I apologize for my silence and lack of activity. Thanks for understanding.

  • Caleb

While you were missed, I don’t think anyone thought, “Where is that Caleb guy and why isn’t he working on X?”  

If they thought that, then they immediately thought, “Oh, yeah he started college, boy I bet that is keeping him busy.”

Welcome back and looking forward to the Dusk update/submission.


PS - Caleb should have linked this, but I will for him.  His repository of awesomeness:

Thanks for the update Caleb.  I’ve found you to be a very inspiring part of our community and I wish you all the best in life, college and (of course) Corona!


While you were missed, I don’t think anyone thought, “Where is that Caleb guy and why isn’t he working on X?”  

If they thought that, then they immediately thought, “Oh, yeah he started college, boy I bet that is keeping him busy.”

Welcome back and looking forward to the Dusk update/submission.


PS - Caleb should have linked this, but I will for him.  His repository of awesomeness:

Thanks for the update Caleb.  I’ve found you to be a very inspiring part of our community and I wish you all the best in life, college and (of course) Corona!
