Breakpoint not working


I have installed the trial version of Glider and everything is working fine except breakpoint.

Please help

Here is my java settings:

Product Version: Lua Glider 2.0 201403101706

Java: 1.8.0_11; Java HotSpot™ Server VM 25.11-b03

Runtime: Java™ SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_11-b12

System: Windows 7 version 6.1 running on x86; UTF-8; en_CA (luaglider2)

there are two run buttons at the top one is to run - and dont stop at break points and the other is used to debug.

The smaller one is for debug.

That still gets me all the time and I have been using it since it was released.


This is not the problem as I am clicking on the debug icon. I have been using their previous version Cider since the beginning, therefore the problem is somewhere else as in Cider breakpoints are working properly.

In the past I have had other issues with Glider where after an update to Glider or even a java update on my computer things started not working.

I fixed mine by reinstalling the latest version from their website. That was the suggestion from their technical support.

That’s the best advice I can tell you.

Good Luck Larry

Thanks @doubleslashdesign, I just try that and it does not work.

Nobody from Glider team can help me ?

Did you install into the same folder or a new folder.

I usually have to install into a new folder. So the previous settings are not saved,

You may have to email them directly. When you do they usually get back to you you with-in a day.

Also on a side note: I also use ZeroBrane Studio on a smaller less powerful computer. It is pretty light weight,

It does not have all the features but its pretty good. It’s free or you can donate to them. I plan on donating if they ever add paypal.


I re install in the same folder, but the weird thing I just discover is if I create a new project, breakpoints are working in the new one, but never in our main project.

Thanks for sharing the info regarding zerobrane, I will take a look.


Check if CliderDebugger is included in main.lua. You usually don’t have to add it yourself, Glider should do this automatically upon debug start.

Yes its already there.

Does anybody had success with Glider support team ?

They used to be very involved and responsive but of late it appears that this is changing greatly and for the worse. Very sad… I would suggest to write directly to them on their support email address and point them back to this thread. 

Yes, this is what I did, but still no feedback in their ticket system.


Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We were having some issues with the current ticket system we have. The issues are resolved now so we should be able to reply back to the ticket. Is the breakpoint issue you are having with the latest update?


M.Y. Developers

I did not see the answer in your ticket system. Here is the title of the bug report in your ticket system :

#591 Breakpoint not taken in one project


We sent you an email. Please let us know if you received it and if it fixes the issue.


M.Y. Developers

there are two run buttons at the top one is to run - and dont stop at break points and the other is used to debug.

The smaller one is for debug.

That still gets me all the time and I have been using it since it was released.


This is not the problem as I am clicking on the debug icon. I have been using their previous version Cider since the beginning, therefore the problem is somewhere else as in Cider breakpoints are working properly.

In the past I have had other issues with Glider where after an update to Glider or even a java update on my computer things started not working.

I fixed mine by reinstalling the latest version from their website. That was the suggestion from their technical support.

That’s the best advice I can tell you.

Good Luck Larry

Thanks @doubleslashdesign, I just try that and it does not work.

Nobody from Glider team can help me ?

Did you install into the same folder or a new folder.

I usually have to install into a new folder. So the previous settings are not saved,

You may have to email them directly. When you do they usually get back to you you with-in a day.

Also on a side note: I also use ZeroBrane Studio on a smaller less powerful computer. It is pretty light weight,

It does not have all the features but its pretty good. It’s free or you can donate to them. I plan on donating if they ever add paypal.
