on the tutorial for the weld-joint, they says that it’s not rigid, there are slighty move because math calculation.
Use better an entire multi-body with shape, it’s don’t oscillate, and you can rotate the whole body easily.
Use also a preCollision to made the part-element “sensor” with the contact isEnabled value.
local ball=display.newGroup() local shapes = {} local numPart = 1 local function add(i,j) local r1=display.newRect( ball, 50\*i, 50\*j, 40, 40) // or other pictures shapes[1+#shapes]= {shape= {-20+50\*i,-20+50\*j, 20+50\*i,-20+50\*j, 20+50\*i,20+50\*j, -20+50\*i,20+50\*j} } r1.id=numPart numPart=numPart+1 return r1 end for i=-2,2 do for j=-2,2 do if i~=0 or j~=0 then add(i,j) end // avoid the center, just for esthetic ; you can put here a png end end physics.addBody( ball,"dynamic", unpack(shapes) )