local cat2=display.newRect(160, 90.0, 0, 100)
cat2:setFillColor( 1 )
cat2:setStrokeColor( 1, 0 ,0 )
cat2.strokeWidth = 5 --problem line; breaks cat2
local cat1=display.newRect(160-100, 90, 0, 100)
cat1:setFillColor( 1,0,0 )
cat1:setStrokeColor( 0, 1 ,0 )
-- cat1.strokeWidth = 5 --problem line
Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", function(event)
if cat1.width<50 then
cat2.width=cat2.width+ 1/2 --cat2.strokeWidth breaks the 1/2 value increase
cat1.width=cat1.width+ 1/2
print(event.frame.." ".. cat2.width)
These should increase at the same rate, they aren’t. The problem is the .strokeWidth line, comment it out and it’ll work as expected. If you flatout define .width as a new value it’ll work fine, but the gradual increase value is …messed up when .strokeWidth is defined.
I’m trying to make a beam (the laser sci fi type) …beams being lines that startout with a small width that gradually increases in width. Rectangles would seem appropriate in this case. The strokeWidth should make this easier, but without it I guess I have to define 1 rectangle for each side colour. Am I missing something or is this bugged? Again the value increase of 1/2 is skewed in a weird way, the skewed increases seems to be the same once u get to 1/10…so 1/100000 isn’t any different than 1/10.
Does it have something to do with it being .strokeWidth instead of :strokeWidth? I don’t understand why these aren’t all defined the same way with just : or just … Or why you can’t write cat2.setFillColor(cat2,1) to make them consistent. Is this a design decision or is there some reason I’m not understanding why I have to second guess if it’s : or . all the time? When I setup a lua function its a design decision whether to make it a function of self, and there’s never an instance where I can’t write a function call of self as player.update(player) instead of player:update()
cat2:setFillColor( 1 )
cat2:setStrokeColor( 1, 0 ,0 )
cat2.strokeWidth = 5
*transition.to seems able to change the strokeWidth over time without issue.