bug ( well maybe just an issue )

when you have images with names like
www2 …

when it writes the file it puts the images in order like this
www1, www10, www11, www2, www3, …

which messes up the animation
unless im doing something wrong
any way i opened the file and moved the info into numerical order
www1, www2, www3, …, www10, www11
and everything animates correctly now

[import]uid: 7911 topic_id: 9930 reply_id: 309930[/import]

I don’t think that is a problem with Texture Packer, but more in error on your part in how you named your sprites…I have learned through experience to always, and I mean ALWAYS pad numbers in file names with leading zeros.

Since that doesn’t help you now, I recommend purchasing a copy of Name Mangler. It allows you to fix the error in the names, automatically. I grabbed a copy when I needed to rename over 60 files saved out from Photoshop using a script. Well worth the money.

That is if you are on a Mac, I can’t remember what I used on the PC, whatever it was, it wasn’t as easy to use as Name Mangler. [import]uid: 5317 topic_id: 9930 reply_id: 36193[/import]

thanks mike4
I figured it wAs me don’t know why I didn’t think to pAd the file name I do that on other things [import]uid: 7911 topic_id: 9930 reply_id: 36269[/import]