I have two scene Scene1 and Scene2. Now in Scene1, I call storyboard.gotoScene(scene2) with option:
local options = { effect = "slideRight", time = 400 }
In Scene1.didExitScene I purge this scene:
function scene:didExitScene(event) local group = self.view print("did exit scene1") storyboard.purgeScene("Scene1") end
and I have an error: Scene1 is purged as soon as the transition begin, not when transition done. I set the time to 4000, and I see function didExitScene call when the transition begin. I want Scene1 slide out and Scene2 slide in. But Scene1 is purge immediately, only Scene2 slide in. Is that an error? Corona docs said didExitScene “Called AFTER scene has finished moving offscreen”.
Sory for my bad english.