Buggy Movement cancelSpriteMove,sendSpriteTo,moveSpriteTo

I am having problems with:







How can I move a sprite to a fixed position without calling moveSpriteTo. I need a function that will update the sprite position immediately as I am using custom easing functions. moveSpriteTo is time based so doesn’t give the frame based control over movement that I need and sendSpriteTo is very unpredictable as the position I send a sprite to only seems to be updated if i call moveSpriteTo afterward.


 calling cancelspritemove then moveSpriteTo in that order  seems to fail when the sprite is a certain positions within the map. (sprite moves to a random position or doesn’t move at all, or randomly jumps to desired position after a successive moveSpriteTo call )


I think I remember sendSpriteTo working nicely before I repositioned the camera (i.e I was able to use sendSpriteTo to move the sprite each frame without error). But after moving camera I am forced to use the moveSpriteTo and cancelspritemove which in turn introduces the unpredictable behaviour.


UPDATE-- seems that the desired Y coordinate is being capped when the sprite is located at lower Y  positions within map, in these positions moveSpriteTo only moves the character to the supplied X coord. But past a certain Y value both X and Y positions are being updated as expected.


Is there some kind of limit on distance allowed to move a sprite in any given dimension? 


What are your thoughts ?





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