This previously working code produced the error below it:
local columnData = { { align = "center", width =285, height = 100, startIndex = startIndex, labels = languageNames }, } languageWheel = widget.newPickerWheel { left = display.contentWidth - 330, top = sliderNumber\*sliderHeight+firstSliderY+textYOffset, font = native.systemFontBold, fontSize = 20, overlayFrameWidth = 290, columns = columnData }
Runtime error
?:0: attempt to index field ‘colours’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
?: in function <?:1116>
(tail call): ?
?: in function ‘?’
?: in function <?:392>
(tail call): ?
?: in function <?:122>
(tail call): ?
c:\users\dale\documents\github\orbitlab\screens\setupScreen.lua:571: in function ‘drawLanguagePicker’
c:\users\dale\documents\github\orbitlab\screens\setupScreen.lua:654: in function <c:\users\dale\documents\github\orbitlab\screens\setupScreen.lua:42>
?: in function ‘dispatchEvent’
?: in function ‘gotoScene’
c:\users\dale\documents\github\orbitlab\maingame.lua:1114: in function ‘setupBtnCallback’
c:\users\dale\documents\github\orbitlab\controls\rightButtons.lua:148: in function ‘_onRelease’
?: in function ‘?’
?: in function <?:424>
?: in function <?:218>
This previously working code produced the error below it:
-- create the tableView widget local list = widget.newTableView{ top = 20, width = 250, height = 748, backgroundColor = { 32/gfactor,32/gfactor,32/gfactor,64/gfactor }, listener = tableViewListener, onRowRender = onRowRender, onRowUpdate = onRowUpdate, onRowTouch = onRowTouch, }
Runtime error
?:0: attempt to perform arithmetic on field ‘separatorRightPadding’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
?: in function ‘_createRow’
?: in function <?:1116>
(tail call): ?
c:\users\dale\documents\github\orbitlab\screens\infoScreen.lua:243: in function ‘makeInfoWidget’
c:\users\dale\documents\github\orbitlab\screens\infoScreen.lua:285: in function <c:\users\dale\documents\github\orbitlab\screens\infoScreen.lua:59>
?: in function ‘dispatchEvent’
?: in function ‘gotoScene’
c:\users\dale\documents\github\orbitlab\maingame.lua:1119: in function ‘infoBtnCallback’
c:\users\dale\documents\github\orbitlab\controls\rightButtons.lua:176: in function ‘_onRelease’
?: in function ‘?’
?: in function <?:424>
?: in function <?:218>