Simulator: OSX 2013.1056
Device: iPad Retina (3rd Gen.)
App Tested: The Perfect Pillow (eBook)
The Simulator handled this app just fine, no issues with buttons. However, the device testing resulted in a black screen with a status bar. The app itself never ran. Xcode Simulator testing also resulted in a black screen with a status bar.
Simulator: OSX 2013.1056
Device: iPad Retina (3rd Gen.)
App Tested: Floating Fun (eBook)
While testing it in the Simulator, it occasionally had a hard time listening for button presses. They would all work, but then start requiring multiple clicks to get them to function. When testing on a device, this was not an issue.
When testing on the Simulator, I received the error:
2013-03-16 07:08:11.463 Corona Simulator[3601:707] Runtime error
…/Documents/Kwik/FFiPad/Floating Fun/build/page_8.lua:239: attempt to compare nil with number
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
…/Documents/Kwik/FFiPad/Floating Fun/build/page_8.lua:239: in function ‘_listener’
?: in function <?:141>
?: in function <?:218>
I believe this was due to adding external code, as this app was created using Kwik 2.0 and utilizing the external code feature. However, when testing on a device the app ran smoothly without any issues.
Simulator: OSX 2013.1056
Device: iPad Retina (3rd Gen.)
App Tested: Guy Game (Sample from my Corona Book that uses Director.lua and button presses)
The Simulator gave the following error when button pressed:
2013-03-16 07:32:10.586 Corona Simulator[3601:707] Runtime error
… Book/coronabook/Director/Director_FINAL/guyGame.lua:106: attempt to call global ‘bodyPunch’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘bodyPunch’
… Book/coronabook/Director/Director_FINAL/guyGame.lua:106: in function <… book></…>
?: in function <?:218>
2013-03-16 07:32:10.590 Corona Simulator[3601:707] fAppPath: /Users/Greg/Documents/Books/GP Corona Book/coronabook/Director/Director_FINAL
Device testing: Button event that caused error in the Simulator, doesn’t work on device. Makes believe I’ll have to update the code or something.
XCode Simulator testing:
[DEBUG] Session could not be started: Error Domain=DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain Code=1 “iOS Simulator failed to install the application.” UserInfo=0x100126860 {NSLocalizedDescription=iOS Simulator failed to install the application., DTiPhoneSimulatorUnderlyingErrorCodeKey=-1}
2013-03-16 07:55:03.165 Corona Simulator[3601:707] iphonesim error: