Thu, 2016-08-25 03:36
Release notes for build 2016.2934 through 2016.2935
- Physics: Fixed debug draw mode to show the real position of physics bodies in groups that have been scaled or translated. This doesn’t fix the issue with using physics objects in groups but will display the true location of the physics body in relation to the display object. Casenum: 46663.
I was excited to read this, as I could really use it. But does it actually work? Doesn’t seem to.
Here’s the “DebugDraw” sample, modified with a simple “shake” -type camera (slowed down, so effect is distinguishable), the entire world (minus the buttons, who cares) is in this single group and so remains consistent; the camera group is subjected to animated transforms, but the debug/hybrid display remains static:
-- -- Abstract: DebugDraw sample project -- Demonstrates physics.setDrawMode() and draggable objects using "touch joints" -- -- Version: 1.3 (September 27, 2010) -- includes new "gameUI" library for dragging objects -- -- Sample code is MIT licensed, see -- Copyright (C) 2010 Corona Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. -- -- Supports Graphics 2.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MODIFED WITH CAMERA LAYER TO TEST DEBUG/HYBRID PHYSICS DRAW MODES local centerX = display.contentCenterX local centerY = display.contentCenterY local \_W = display.contentWidth local \_H = display.contentHeight local physics = require("physics") local gameUI = require("gameUI") physics.start() system.activate( "multitouch" ) display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) local bkg = display.newImage( "night\_sky.png", 160, 240 ) local camera = display.newGroup() local instructionLabel = display.newText( "drag any object", centerX, 25, native.systemFontBold, 20 ) instructionLabel:setFillColor( 1, 1, 1, 40/255 ) local ground = display.newImage(camera, "ground.png", 160, 415 ) -- physical ground object physics.addBody( ground, "static", { friction=0.5, bounce=0.3 } ) local grass2 = display.newImage(camera, "grass2.png", 160, 464) -- non-physical decorative overlay local dragBody = gameUI.dragBody -- for use in touch event listener below local function newCrate() rand = math.random( 100 ) local j if (rand \< 45) then j = display.newImage(camera, "crate.png"); j.x = 60 + math.random( 160 ) j.y = -100 physics.addBody( j, { density=0.9, friction=0.3, bounce=0.3 } ) elseif (rand \< 60) then j = display.newImage(camera, "crateB.png"); j.x = 60 + math.random( 160 ) j.y = -100 physics.addBody( j, { density=1.4, friction=0.3, bounce=0.2 } ) elseif (rand \< 80) then j = display.newImage(camera, "rock.png"); j.x = 60 + math.random( 160 ) j.y = -100 physics.addBody( j, { density=3.0, friction=0.3, bounce=0.1, radius=33 } ) else j = display.newImage(camera, "crateC.png"); j.x = 60 + math.random( 160 ) j.y = -100 physics.addBody( j, { density=0.3, friction=0.2, bounce=0.5 } ) end j:addEventListener( "touch", dragBody ) end local function drawNormal() physics.setDrawMode( "normal" ) end local function drawDebug() physics.setDrawMode( "debug" ) end local function drawHybrid() physics.setDrawMode( "hybrid" ) end local function setPhysicsDrawMode( event ) local newDrawMode = if event.phase == "began" then --Set the new draw mode physics.setDrawMode( newDrawMode ) end return true end --Create 3 buttons to change between physics draw modes local button = {} button[1] = display.newImage( "smallButton.png", true ) button[1].drawMode = "normal" button[1].label = display.newText( "Normal", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 16 ) button[1].x = 55 button[1].y = 450 button[1].label.x = button[1].x button[1].label.y = button[1].y button[2] = display.newImage( "smallButton.png", true ) button[2].drawMode = "debug" button[2].label = display.newText( "Debug", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 16 ) button[2].x = 160 button[2].y = 450 button[2].label.x = button[2].x button[2].label.y = button[2].y button[3] = display.newImage( "smallButton.png", true ) button[3].drawMode = "hybrid" button[3].label = display.newText( "Hybrid", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 16 ) button[3].x = 265 button[3].y = 450 button[3].label.x = button[3].x button[3].label.y = button[3].y for i = 1, #button do -- Make buttons into physics objects so they remain visible in "debug" draw mode physics.addBody( button[i], "static", { density=1.0 } ) --Add event listener to all buttons button[i]:addEventListener( "touch", setPhysicsDrawMode ) end local dropCrates = timer.performWithDelay( 500, newCrate, 120 ) local frameCounter = 0 local function onEnterFrame() local r = 30 local t = frameCounter \* 0.01 camera.x = r \* math.cos(t) camera.y = r \* math.sin(t) camera.rotation = math.sqrt(r) \* math.cos(t) \* math.sin(t) local s = 1.0 + math.cos(-t) \* math.cos(-t) \* 0.2 camera.xScale, camera.yScale = s, s frameCounter = frameCounter + 1 end Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", onEnterFrame)