Build Error #1

When I’m trying to create the android build for one of my apps I receive the below simulator error, nevertheless when I remove the notifications plugin from build.settings the build is created ok.
The last time I updated this app was a month ago.

Below is my build.settings file and also the error I got in the Solar2D simulator.

build.settings file

settings =
  splashScreen =
    enable = false
	orientation =
		-- Supported values for orientation:
		-- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight
		default = "portrait",
		supported = { "portrait", }

	-- Android section
	android =
      minSdkVersion = "21",
      versionCode = "12",
      usesPermissions =
      useGoogleServicesJson = true,

	-- Plugins section
	plugins =
      ["plugin.pasteboard"] =
          publisherId = "com.coronalabs",
      [""] =
          publisherId = "com.coronalabs"
      ["plugin.reviewPopUp"] = {
          publisherId = "tech.scotth",
          marketplaceId = "3u65hy",
          supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true }
      ["plugin.notifications.v2.firebase"] =
          publisherId = "com.coronalabs",
          supportedPlatforms = { android=true, iphone=true }
      [""] =
          publisherId = "com.coronalabs",
          supportedPlatforms = { ["android-kindle"]=true }
      [""] =
          publisherId = "com.coronalabs",
          supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true }

	-- Project section
	excludeFiles =
      -- Exclude unnecessary files for each platform
      all = { "Icon.png", "Icon*.ico", "Icon*.icns", "no_incluir", "Thumbs.db" },
      ios = { "Icon-*dpi.png", "Icon*.png", "AndroidResources" },
      android = { "*.lproj", "LaunchScreen.storyboardc", "Images.xcassets" },

Console result:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
04:33:38.457  * What went wrong:
04:33:38.457  Execution failed for task ':App:checkReleaseAarMetadata'.
04:33:38.457  > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':App:releaseRuntimeClasspath'.
04:33:38.457     > Failed to transform play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.457        > Could not find play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.457          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.457     > Failed to transform play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.457        > Could not find play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.457          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.457     > Failed to transform play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.457        > Could not find play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.457          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.457     > Failed to transform play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.457        > Could not find play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.457          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.457     > Failed to transform play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.457        > Could not find play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.457          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.457     > Failed to transform play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.457        > Could not find play-services-tasks-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.457          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.457     > Failed to transform play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.457        > Could not find play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.457          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.457     > Failed to transform play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar ( to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find play-services-basement-17.0.0.aar (
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-1.0.0.aar (androidx.core:core:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform versionedparcelable-1.0.0.aar (androidx.versionedparcelable:versionedparcelable:1.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find versionedparcelable-1.0.0.aar (androidx.versionedparcelable:versionedparcelable:1.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform lifecycle-runtime-2.0.0.aar (androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime:2.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find lifecycle-runtime-2.0.0.aar (androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime:2.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform lifecycle-livedata-2.0.0.aar (androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata:2.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find lifecycle-livedata-2.0.0.aar (androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata:2.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform lifecycle-livedata-core-2.0.0.aar (androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-core:2.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find lifecycle-livedata-core-2.0.0.aar (androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-core:2.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-runtime-2.0.0.aar (androidx.arch.core:core-runtime:2.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-runtime-2.0.0.aar (androidx.arch.core:core-runtime:2.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458     > Failed to transform core-runtime-2.0.0.aar (androidx.arch.core:core-runtime:2.0.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-aar-metadata, org.gradle.status=release}.
04:33:38.458        > Could not find core-runtime-2.0.0.aar (androidx.arch.core:core-runtime:2.0.0).
04:33:38.458          Searched in the following locations:
04:33:38.458  * Try:
04:33:38.458  Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
04:33:38.458  * Get more help at
04:33:38.458  BUILD FAILED in 26s
04:33:38.458  Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
04:33:38.769  Android build failed (1) after 29 seconds

There were a bunch of updates to the notifications plugin at the beginning of February. You might try forcing the plugin back to v11 and see if that lets you build.

["plugin.notifications.v2.firebase"] = {
            publisherId = "com.coronalabs",
            version = "v11",

Thank you @colinmorgan , I’ll try this…
I was able to update some of my other games, but the only difference is that the others have implemented the plugins “” and “plugin.admob”. So, my point is: could be the ausence of this plugins (or one of them) in my current game causing something that interfere with the notification plugin? I think you should take a look at this @vlads

Doesn’t work. I get the same error …

I’ve re-check it and is obvious that the notification plugin is the cause of this error.
I have been able to build my game if I remove the notification plugin. This demonstrate that the notification plugin can’t be used without other Google plugins like Admob or billing.


I’ve registered my game in Admob (although I will never used it because my game is a paid app) and then I set up my build.settings with the Admob plugin, and now I’ve been able to create my build, so I’ve demonstrated that you can’t use the notification plugin without Admob plugin.

As part of adding AdMob, does your build.settings file now include meta-data android:name="" in applicationChildElements? I didn’t see it in the original posting of your build.settings. If so, you might try a build with AdMob commented out but leaving the APPLICATION_ID in case that was the missing piece of the puzzle.

I tried this build.settings(and tried adding admob) and seems to build okay?

You didn’t see it in my previous post because as I said before, I wasn’t using Admob in my app, but I decided to include because if not the notifications plugin cause me that issue.

Did you have been able to create the build with this code without inserting the Admob plugin?

I did see that.

Usually adding the AdMob plugin also means adding your APPLICATION_ID to the applicationChildElements table in build.settings. If that was the case- i.e. you added an APPLICATION_ID, and it hadn’t been there before, I was wondering if the important part of adding AdMob might have been the inclusion of an APPLICATION_ID in build.settings, and not the AdMob plugin itself.

Just a thought.


Sorry- I had forgotten that since you are using Firebase, you’ll be have
useGoogleServicesJson = true.

My thought still stands: If, in the process of setting up AdMob, you added "admob_app_id": "ca-app-pub-your google ad id" to your google-services.json file, that might be what’s making it work now, not the presence of the AdMob plugin.

Yes, was able to create a build with just that build.settings and no Admob

I use notifications without AdMob also… without any issues

But, I just the standard notifications plugin… do you need push notification or just local?

If only local then use the correct plugin.

I understand your analysis, but i didn’t update my google-services.json file.

That is strange, i don’t understand what is wrong with my build then.