Build Error #5

So I’ve been trying for a while now to do a live build for my game. At school I have no problem at all (We are using Mac and I’ve been usinge my own tablet to test. But At home on my Windows PC, I can’t get it to work. I tried adding Openudid( ) pluggin, but it haven’t change a thing except making it obvious that I didn’t set it up properly. 

I’ve look a lot on the forum for tips and tried to fix it on my own. But I don’t know where to look and I need help. 


14:39:02.113 Testing credentials for 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona Labs\Corona\Resources\debug.keystore': 14:39:03.025 jar signed. 14:39:03.025 Picked up JAVA\_TOOL\_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en 14:39:04.433 Excluding specified files from build: 14:39:04.433 excluding: LaunchScreen.storyboardc 14:39:04.433 excluding: Icon.png 14:39:04.433 excluding: Icon-\*dpi.png 14:39:04.433 excluding: Images.xcassets 14:39:20.853 BuildID: kCoronaBuild [A device build error occurred on the server. 14:39:20.853 14:39:20.853 Error: Get plugin failed. 14:39:20.853 14:39:20.853 Plugin: `plugin.openudid` 14:39:20.853 Publisher: `com.coronalabs` 14:39:20.853 User Account: `` 14:39:20.853 14:39:20.853 BuildID: 5a970556750cd 14:39:20.853 ERROR: An error occurred during build ( The server returned the following message: 14:39:20.853 --- 14:39:20.853 A device build error occurred on the server. 14:39:20.853 14:39:20.853 Error: Get plugin failed. 14:39:20.853 14:39:20.853 Plugin: `plugin.openudid` 14:39:20.853 Publisher: `com.coronalabs` 14:39:20.853 User Account: `` 14:39:20.853 14:39:20.853 BuildID: 5a970556750cd 14:39:20.853 --- 14:39:20.965 Android build failed (5) after 16 seconds

Can you post your build.settings?


Please, do post your build.settings. Meanwhile some things which usually help:

  • download latest daily build

  • deauthorize corona, then re-login

  • probably use another account? Sign-up is free, and error you’re getting should not behappening…

This is my build.settings

-- -- For more information on build.settings, see the Project Build Settings guide at: -- -- settings = { orientation = { -- Supported values for orientation: -- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight default = "portrait", supported = { "portrait", }, }, -- -- Android section -- android = { usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", }, }, -- -- iOS section -- iphone = { xcassets = "Images.xcassets", plist = { UIStatusBarHidden = false, UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen", }, }, -- -- Plugins section -- plugins = { }, -- -- Project section -- excludeFiles = { -- Exclude unnecessary files for each platform all = { "Icon.png", "Icon-\*dpi.png", "Images.xcassets", }, android = { "LaunchScreen.storyboardc", }, }, }

Thanks a lot. 

// I just test it at school on a Mac and it’s not working either. I also tested it with a previous “.CoronaLiveBuild” that was working last time. Now when I test it it gives me a error. 

Mar 01 08:21:51.455 BUILD ERROR: /var/folders/v7/hdpv97qj20zcfps641lm92mr0000gp/T//CLtmp3pFlZv/main.lua:1: malformed number near '0EE2F21A'

Just in case here’s my “.CoronaLiveBuild” file 

key = '0EE2F21A-8E49-4337-8373-52409F8341AF' #port = #ip =

Once again. Thanks and have a great day. 


Hi Sara. You are not including the plugin in your build.setting’s plugins section.



Hi I fxed my problems by deleting the current “.CoronaLiveBuild”.

I added “android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS” in my build.settings

Also I uninstalled the app on my tablet, reset it and tried again. It working. But I still have errors in the console. 

Mar 01 12:47:22.140 SM-T700: SENTINEL\_MSG\_LIBCUTILS Mar 01 12:47:22.185 SM-T700: SENTINEL\_MSG\_LIBLOG Mar 01 12:47:22.368 SM-T700: Permission Denial: getCurrentUser() from pid=16049, uid=10246 requires android.permission.INTERACT\_ACROSS\_USERS Mar 01 12:47:23.690 SM-T700: SENTINEL\_MSG\_LIBCUTILS Mar 01 12:47:23.723 SM-T70

Once again, thanks. 

Can you post your build.settings?


Please, do post your build.settings. Meanwhile some things which usually help:

  • download latest daily build

  • deauthorize corona, then re-login

  • probably use another account? Sign-up is free, and error you’re getting should not behappening…

This is my build.settings

-- -- For more information on build.settings, see the Project Build Settings guide at: -- -- settings = { orientation = { -- Supported values for orientation: -- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight default = "portrait", supported = { "portrait", }, }, -- -- Android section -- android = { usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", }, }, -- -- iOS section -- iphone = { xcassets = "Images.xcassets", plist = { UIStatusBarHidden = false, UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen", }, }, -- -- Plugins section -- plugins = { }, -- -- Project section -- excludeFiles = { -- Exclude unnecessary files for each platform all = { "Icon.png", "Icon-\*dpi.png", "Images.xcassets", }, android = { "LaunchScreen.storyboardc", }, }, }

Thanks a lot. 

// I just test it at school on a Mac and it’s not working either. I also tested it with a previous “.CoronaLiveBuild” that was working last time. Now when I test it it gives me a error. 

Mar 01 08:21:51.455 BUILD ERROR: /var/folders/v7/hdpv97qj20zcfps641lm92mr0000gp/T//CLtmp3pFlZv/main.lua:1: malformed number near '0EE2F21A'

Just in case here’s my “.CoronaLiveBuild” file 

key = '0EE2F21A-8E49-4337-8373-52409F8341AF' #port = #ip =

Once again. Thanks and have a great day. 


Hi Sara. You are not including the plugin in your build.setting’s plugins section.



Hi I fxed my problems by deleting the current “.CoronaLiveBuild”.

I added “android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS” in my build.settings

Also I uninstalled the app on my tablet, reset it and tried again. It working. But I still have errors in the console. 

Mar 01 12:47:22.140 SM-T700: SENTINEL\_MSG\_LIBCUTILS Mar 01 12:47:22.185 SM-T700: SENTINEL\_MSG\_LIBLOG Mar 01 12:47:22.368 SM-T700: Permission Denial: getCurrentUser() from pid=16049, uid=10246 requires android.permission.INTERACT\_ACROSS\_USERS Mar 01 12:47:23.690 SM-T700: SENTINEL\_MSG\_LIBCUTILS Mar 01 12:47:23.723 SM-T70

Once again, thanks. 