My mac updated the iOS SDK to 11.3, and now I’m getting build errors where there were none on 11.2
ERROR: build command failed: xcrun actool --output-format human-readable-text --warnings --export-dependency-info "/var/folders/n3/fczmrwb557z3b5w59tt82wc80000gn/T/CLtmpiPMUTn/assetcatalog\_dependencies" --output-partial-info-plist "/var/folders/n3/fczmrwb557z3b5w59tt82wc80000gn/T/CLtmpiPMUTn/assetcatalog\_generated\_info.plist" --compress-pngs --enable-on-demand-resources YES --product-type --compile "/Users/gosev/Desktop/" --target-device iphone --target-device ipad --minimum-deployment-target 8.0 --platform iphoneos --app-icon AppIcon "Images.xcassets" avr. 02 07:55:17.951 ERROR: with exit code 255 and output: avr. 02 07:55:17.951 avr. 02 07:55:17.955 avr. 02 07:55:17.956 ERROR: while compiling icons: avr. 02 07:55:17.956 BUILD ERROR: avr. 02 07:55:17.956 avr. 02 07:55:17.994 iOS build failed (12) after 26 seconds
I tried updating to the latest daily build to no avail.
Any pointers ?