Seems that build keeps on failing at downloading.plugins stage for the past few days (for me). Each build will take 20 minutes to fail. No successful build sicne past 2 days.
Anyone else facing this ?
Just received an error when starting Corona :
22:24:21.103 PluginSync: downloading plugin: http://plugins.coronasphere.com/com.coronalabs/CoronaProvider.native.popup.social/2013.1164/win32-sim/CoronaProvider.native.popup.social.zip 22:25:51.107 ERROR: Runtime error 22:25:51.107 ?:0: attempt to index a nil value 22:25:51.107 stack traceback: 22:25:51.107 ?: in function 'handlePluginDownload' 22:25:51.107 ?: in function \<?:749\>