Build fails with 2020.3611 - Plugin issues

Trying to migrate from Corona to Solar 2d. tried building with the latest version but it fails with the following error. How to fix plug in error in general. any step by step guide?
this is time sensitive, any help is greatly appreciated!

  • What went wrong:
    22:32:41.173 Error while fetching plugins: 1 file(s) copied.
    22:32:41.173 1 file(s) copied.
    22:32:41.173 ERROR: occured while collecting plugins for Android. Unable to find plugin ‘plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications’ for platform ‘android’:
    22:32:41.173 Custom URL: skipped because no table supportedPlatforms provided for plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications
    22:32:41.173 Locally: no directory C:\Users\vijayt\AppData\Roaming\Solar2DPlugins\com.gamethrive\plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications
    22:32:41.173 Locally: no file ‘C:\Users\vijayt\AppData\Roaming\Solar2DPlugins\com.gamethrive\plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications\android\data.tgz’

Is GameThrive, OneSignal now? Seems so.

You can search for OneSignal in Free Plugins Directory and use OneSignal’s own repository for instructions on how to setup on Solar2D which can be found here.

Hope this helps!