Build Process for iOS -- 'Version' field

I’m newbie in the process of creating iOS builds. I’m reading about iOS Versioning, so my question is: What means the field Version at the time to create the iOS build?

According to the Solar2D documentation it is the version name, but I think that should be the version number, because it is the version number the one that have to be unique when you release a new version of your app for the Apple App Store.
If you want to read more regarding to this topic, you should take a look at the Apple documentation iOS Versioning

Version number.

The field in the build screen for iOS in the simulator is simply labeled “Version” which is identical to how it is labeled in App Store Connect. It is unfortunate that the Solar2D docs identify the Version field as being for the “version name”. If you found it confusing, there is a button at the bottom of every docs page to report an issue.