patch for Android Build on OSX

FYI, I needed to add the ‘–target’ option to the ‘android update lib-project’ commands in ‘’ for my enterprise Android build.  Here are the versions that I am using…

  • Corona Enterprise (2013.2100)
  • Android SDK (adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20131030)
  • OSX (10.9.2)

The ‘android’ tool was barking about the missing ‘–target’ option, causing the ‘’ to not get created for the following library projects…

  1. CoronaEnterprise/Corona/android/lib/Corona
  2. CoronaEnterprise/Corona/android/lib/facebook/facebook

For my project, I used the ‘–target android-15’ option, but the target Android API level will vary for other projects.  Also, I changed the directory in the first ‘if’ condition to look for the ‘Corona’ path instead of the ‘facebook’ path.  Here are the changes I needed to make to ‘’…

if [-d "$CORONA\_PATH/Corona/android/lib/Corona"] then "$SDK\_PATH/tools/android" update lib-project --target android-15 -p "$CORONA\_PATH/Corona/android/lib/Corona" checkError fi if [-d "$CORONA\_PATH/Corona/android/lib/facebook/facebook"] then "$SDK\_PATH/tools/android" update lib-project --target android-15 -p "$CORONA\_PATH/Corona/android/lib/facebook/facebook" checkError fi

