Building for iOS

Admittedly I am not very familiar with using a mac, I do my coding on a windows machine,  I am trying to compile an iOS build of my app. I have successfully created my certificates and provisioning profile, but when I try to build I get this error:

Runtime error ...ktop/Stuck\ \<error\>{"status":32512,"message":"sh: /Volumes/Xcode/ No such file or directory"}\</error\> stack traceback: [C]: ? [C]: in function 'assert' ...ktop/Stuck\ in function 'checkError' ...ktop/Stuck\ in function 'build' ?: in function 'buildExe'

I installed the newest version of xcode and the mac is running OS Lion 10.7.

Have I missed some setup step, where you have to configure xcode to work with the Corona simulator?



Hi Gooner87,

Did you follow through the entire iOS Build/Provisioning guide? Apple is very specific about this, and you have to do each step carefully:

Best regards,


Hi Gooner87,

Did you follow through the entire iOS Build/Provisioning guide? Apple is very specific about this, and you have to do each step carefully:

Best regards,
