Building for Xcode 11.0 works, 11.1 doesn't

Figured you guys might be working on this or just hadn’t released an updated daily build yet… I installed Xcode 11.1 GM seed but xad to revert back to Xcode 11.0 so that it’d build for iOS 13.0… 11.1 breaks in the build process.

Can you be more descriptive in what you mean by “breaks the build process”?


Hey Rob, sorry about that!  I already uninstalled it to reinstall 11.0, but remember in the build for iOS dialog for iOS SDK there was a “12.4” entry, then a “13.0 entry” and another one for “12.4” again which it’d auto-selected to, but threw up an “Xcode Mismatch” error.

The current daily build either uses iOS 13 or 12.4 depending on which version of Xcode you have installed. But even then if it’s off by a version you should still be able to build even with the mis-match.

I don’t know that we’ve added 13.1/xcode 11.1 yet.
