Good morning,
I built (Version 2020.3626 (2020.11.5)) by selecting Amazon in the target Appstore dialogue.
The review process replied with the following issue:
"Your app submission does not meet one or more of our acceptance criteria for some or all targeted devices. Failure reason(s) are listed below:
- We are unable to test your app due to install/launch failure in all compatible devices. Please fix the issue and re-submit the app."
My build.settings for the android section is as follows :
android =
minSdkVersion = "16",
versionCode = "1",
versionName = "1.0",
useGoogleServicesJson = true,
usesPermissions =
applicationChildElements =
<meta-data android:name=""
Are there any specific parameters to add to the build settings to publish on Amazon Store.
Thank you for your help.