Building to Amazon Store

Good morning,
I built (Version 2020.3626 (2020.11.5)) by selecting Amazon in the target Appstore dialogue.

The review process replied with the following issue:

"Your app submission does not meet one or more of our acceptance criteria for some or all targeted devices. Failure reason(s) are listed below:

  • We are unable to test your app due to install/launch failure in all compatible devices. Please fix the issue and re-submit the app."

My build.settings for the android section is as follows :

  android =
		minSdkVersion = "16",

		versionCode = "1",
		versionName = "1.0",

		useGoogleServicesJson = true,

		usesPermissions =

		applicationChildElements =
						<meta-data android:name=""


Are there any specific parameters to add to the build settings to publish on Amazon Store.

Thank you for your help.

I use 3624 and publish to Amazon fine. Why do you have applicationChildElements for AdMob?

Thanks for your reply.

I added applicationChildElements, as described in documentation:

But why? Admob doesn’t work on Amazon.

More to the point, calling the AdMob plugin will cause an Amazon build to crash.

If you want to publish to the Amazon Appstore, you should probably get a Kindle Fire so you can test your builds. You can install .apk files built for Amazon via adb so you will know that they work before you upload them for live testing.

Or at the very least use the built in app testing service!

@Dodo_Software you can use AdMob via Appodeal plugin in Amazon