[builds 2020.3677] iOS build problems

when build for iOS
there is an error “BUILD ERROR: Unable to find Corona Builder.”

Yeah, same problem here. I discussed this yesterday on the Discord with @ponywolf who suggested it might be an issue with Macos Gatekeeper, linking to this article: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202491. Check out the #builds channel on Discord for some more info.

In my case I haven’t been able to solve it yet, and it’s only in build 3627 I have these problems. Never seen the error before and in 3626 everything still works fine without any changes to my privacy settings.

Just saw that vlads had commented on the build that it’s broken. The suggested workaround worked for me, i.e running this command:

sudo xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Corona-*

Discussion was taking place on Discord. I wondered why none said about it. Thanks a lot.

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