Hello Rob, here’s build.settings:
settings = { orientation = { default = "portrait", supported = { "portrait", "portraitUpsideDown" }, }, android = { versionCode = 20000, coronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardAppears = true, usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", -- Permission to retrieve current location from the GPS "android.permission.ACCESS\_FINE\_LOCATION", -- Permission to retrieve current location from WiFi or cellular service "android.permission.ACCESS\_COARSE\_LOCATION", -- "android.permission.GET\_ACCOUNTS", -- "android.permission.RECEIVE\_BOOT\_COMPLETED", -- "com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE", -- ".permission.C2D\_MESSAGE", }, -- permissions = -- { -- { name = ".permission.C2D\_MESSAGE", protectionLevel = "signature" }, -- }, }, plugins = { ["facebook"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, ["plugin.OneSignal"] = { publisherId = "com.onesignal", }, ["plugin.google.play.services"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { android=true, ["android-kindle"]=true }, }, }, iphone = { plist = { -- CFBundleDisplayName = "My Corona App", -- CFBundleName = "My Corona App", -- MinimumOSVersion = "7.0", UIPrerenderedIcon = false, UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false, UIStatusBarHidden = true, UIAppFonts = { "FuturaBT-Medium.ttf","FuturaBT-Bold.ttf" }, CFBundleIconFiles = { "Icon", "Icon-60", "Icon-72", "Icon-76", "Icon-Small-40", "Icon-Small-50", "Icon-Small", }, UILaunchImages = { { -- iPhone 4 Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 480}" }, { -- iPhone 5 Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-568h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 568}" }, { -- iPad Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Portrait", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{768, 1024}" }, { -- iPhone 6 Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-667h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{375, 667}" }, { -- iPhone 6 Plus Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-736h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{414, 736}" }, }, FacebookAppID = "\<appid\>", --replace XXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook App ID CFBundleURLTypes = { { CFBundleURLSchemes = { "fb\<appid\>", } } --replace XXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook App ID }, UIBackgroundModes = {"remote-notification"}, }, }, }