Bunch of errors (SDK mismatch, unusable profiles...)

I simply can’t work anymore.

So I had the latest public release (2731)

And I have the latest Xcode (7.1.1)

1. Corona kept giving me IOS SDK mismatch (Xcode 9.1 vs Target 9.0) and suggested updating Xcode (¬¬).

2. If I ignored that and went for the build, both my profiles were Unusable because Corona couldn’t find my certificates. All of which I had freshly installed from Apple Developer and showed fine in Xcode and Keychain Access.

So then I deleted Corona and got the latest daily build (2771)

3. Now I can’t even try because it suddenly doesn’t find facebook. “File: module ‘facebook’ not found”.

Please help me understand what’s going on.

Build 2731 was based on iOS 9.0, which means you have to have Xcode 7.0 to build.

The latest daily builds are based on iOS 9.1, which means that you need Xcode 7.1 to build (7.1.1 should be fine).

As for the provisioning profiles issues, I can’t tell if you’ve worked through that or not.

As for facebook, can you post your build.settings?

Hello Rob, here’s build.settings:

settings = { orientation = { default = "portrait", supported = { "portrait", "portraitUpsideDown" }, }, android = { versionCode = 20000, coronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardAppears = true, usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", -- Permission to retrieve current location from the GPS "android.permission.ACCESS\_FINE\_LOCATION", -- Permission to retrieve current location from WiFi or cellular service "android.permission.ACCESS\_COARSE\_LOCATION", -- "android.permission.GET\_ACCOUNTS", -- "android.permission.RECEIVE\_BOOT\_COMPLETED", -- "com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE", -- ".permission.C2D\_MESSAGE", }, -- permissions = -- { -- { name = ".permission.C2D\_MESSAGE", protectionLevel = "signature" }, -- }, }, plugins = { ["facebook"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, ["plugin.OneSignal"] = { publisherId = "com.onesignal", }, ["plugin.google.play.services"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { android=true, ["android-kindle"]=true }, }, }, iphone = { plist = { -- CFBundleDisplayName = "My Corona App", -- CFBundleName = "My Corona App", -- MinimumOSVersion = "7.0", UIPrerenderedIcon = false, UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false, UIStatusBarHidden = true, UIAppFonts = { "FuturaBT-Medium.ttf","FuturaBT-Bold.ttf" }, CFBundleIconFiles = { "Icon", "Icon-60", "Icon-72", "Icon-76", "Icon-Small-40", "Icon-Small-50", "Icon-Small", }, UILaunchImages = { { -- iPhone 4 Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 480}" }, { -- iPhone 5 Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-568h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 568}" }, { -- iPad Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Portrait", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{768, 1024}" }, { -- iPhone 6 Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-667h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{375, 667}" }, { -- iPhone 6 Plus Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-736h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{414, 736}" }, }, FacebookAppID = "\<appid\>", --replace XXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook App ID CFBundleURLTypes = { { CFBundleURLSchemes = { "fb\<appid\>", } } --replace XXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook App ID }, UIBackgroundModes = {"remote-notification"}, }, }, }

If you are going to include Facebook with an iOS 9 build, you must use the new Facebook V4 plugin. See:



Build 2731 was based on iOS 9.0, which means you have to have Xcode 7.0 to build.

The latest daily builds are based on iOS 9.1, which means that you need Xcode 7.1 to build (7.1.1 should be fine).

As for the provisioning profiles issues, I can’t tell if you’ve worked through that or not.

As for facebook, can you post your build.settings?

Hello Rob, here’s build.settings:

settings = { orientation = { default = "portrait", supported = { "portrait", "portraitUpsideDown" }, }, android = { versionCode = 20000, coronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardAppears = true, usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", -- Permission to retrieve current location from the GPS "android.permission.ACCESS\_FINE\_LOCATION", -- Permission to retrieve current location from WiFi or cellular service "android.permission.ACCESS\_COARSE\_LOCATION", -- "android.permission.GET\_ACCOUNTS", -- "android.permission.RECEIVE\_BOOT\_COMPLETED", -- "com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE", -- ".permission.C2D\_MESSAGE", }, -- permissions = -- { -- { name = ".permission.C2D\_MESSAGE", protectionLevel = "signature" }, -- }, }, plugins = { ["facebook"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, ["plugin.OneSignal"] = { publisherId = "com.onesignal", }, ["plugin.google.play.services"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { android=true, ["android-kindle"]=true }, }, }, iphone = { plist = { -- CFBundleDisplayName = "My Corona App", -- CFBundleName = "My Corona App", -- MinimumOSVersion = "7.0", UIPrerenderedIcon = false, UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false, UIStatusBarHidden = true, UIAppFonts = { "FuturaBT-Medium.ttf","FuturaBT-Bold.ttf" }, CFBundleIconFiles = { "Icon", "Icon-60", "Icon-72", "Icon-76", "Icon-Small-40", "Icon-Small-50", "Icon-Small", }, UILaunchImages = { { -- iPhone 4 Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 480}" }, { -- iPhone 5 Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-568h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 568}" }, { -- iPad Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Portrait", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{768, 1024}" }, { -- iPhone 6 Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-667h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{375, 667}" }, { -- iPhone 6 Plus Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-736h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{414, 736}" }, }, FacebookAppID = "\<appid\>", --replace XXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook App ID CFBundleURLTypes = { { CFBundleURLSchemes = { "fb\<appid\>", } } --replace XXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook App ID }, UIBackgroundModes = {"remote-notification"}, }, }, }

If you are going to include Facebook with an iOS 9 build, you must use the new Facebook V4 plugin. See:

