Business Apps with Solar2D - Business Intelligence

Hello Friends,

I have been working with Solar2D, previously Corona SDK since 2013, I have created several business apps with it, I believe it’s really great for that.

Recently I have created a system almost similar to Microsoft Power BI, the only difference is -like most developers- I believe it’s much better :slight_smile:

My problem is as always is how to get this app to the world? I’m not rich or well connected, I’m just a humble indie developer who creates enterprise level software like archiving systems, workflows, and BI & Dashboard solutions… i already have tens of clients in my country (Jordan)

My question is how to find a company that can take such apps or systems to the next level? like partners, resellers, or people like peter thiel :grin:

Thanks & Regards,

You start marketing, contacting businesses or pitching to investors, like everyone else.

Thanks for the tip man, and welcome to the Third world :slight_smile:

I am now researching No-Code tool market. I like to hear more about your system with Solar2D. Is there a presentation or document?


This is a link to the app, I’m working on the graphics, then I will upload it to Apple Store soon

But frankly speaking this will mean nothing if it is not connected to real time large sized database, just like any BI tool

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Thank you for the app link. I installed it to my phone but failed to login. The button of send verification shows up for the password but the password did not work. Is there a specific phone number for logging in?

apologies for that

you need to use 4 for phone number and 4 or verification code
i have not yet activated sms in this app

This login will allow you to view multiple companies(Top header which is scrollable horizontally)
when you select a client, another horizontally scrollable menu will show below that showing dashboards for that client, and when you select a certain dashboard you will get all info inside that dashboard which could be a chart, a gauge, or a color coded piece of information which could hold a report

all what you see is coming from backend database and fully dynamic
of course the data is dummy, but when connected to real time data (MSSQL or ORACLE database for example) you will see cool stuff

this system is designed to allow people to view a single dashboard from one company, or multiple dashboards for the same company, or multiple dashboards from multiple companies, and this is useful for people who are board members in multiple companies, and they don’t want to waste time fetching data from multiple sources and systems

Thank you. Now I can see the nice scrollable headers and the dashboard! Understood Business Intelligence meaning better.

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