Buttom Bar Menu

I need a button bar menu, but I can’t use the widget tabBar, because it uses only the event “onPress”. So I tried to buid my own bar menu.

local tabButtons = {
    width = 32,
    height = 32,
    defaultFile = normalIcon1,
    overFile = overIcon1,
    label = "Label1",
    labelColor = { default={ 0,0,0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0, 0.5 } },
    font = native.systemfont,
    size = 15,
    onEvent = gotoSelection
 	width = 32,
    height = 32,
    defaultFile = normalIcon2,
    overFile = overIcon1,
    label = "Label2",
    labelColor = { default={ 0,0,0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0, 0.5 } },
    font = native.systemfont,
    size = 15,
    onEvent = gotoSelection
-- Create the widget
local tabBar = widget.newButtomMenu(
    left = 0,
    top = barraMenuY,
    width = display.contentWidth,
    height = 50,
    backgroundFile = tabBarImg,
    buttons = tabButtons

function widget.newButtomMenu( options )
   local customOptions = options or {}
   local opt = {}
   opt.left = customOptions.left or nil
   opt.top = customOptions.top or nil
   opt.width = customOptions.width or display.contentWidth
   opt.height = customOptions.height or 50

   opt.id = customOptions.id
   opt.backgroundImg = customOptions.backgroundImg
   opt.backgroundColor = customOptions.backgroundColor
   -- Coordinatex x,y
   if ( opt.left ) then
       opt.x = opt.left + opt.width * 0.5
   if ( opt.top ) then
      opt.y = opt.top + opt.height * 0.5

   local barContainer = display.newGroup()
   local background = display.newRect( barContainer, opt.x, opt.y, opt.width, opt.height )

  if ( opt.backgroundImg ) then
     background.fill = { type="image", filename=opt.backgroundImg }
 elseif ( opt.backgroundColor ) then
    background.fill = opt.backgroundColor
    background.fill = { 0.96, 0.62, 0.34 }

  --  Button constructor:
  for i = 1, #opt.Btn do
     -- construct an image button
     if ( opt.Btn[i].defaultFile ) then  
        viewBtn[i] = widget.newButton(
        id = opt.Btn[i].id,
        width = opt.Btn[i].width,
        height = opt.Btn[i].height,
        baseDir = opt.Btn[i].baseDir,
        **defaultFile = opt.Btn[i].defaultFile,**
        **overFile = opt.Btn[i].overFile,**
        onEvent = opt.Btn[i].onEvent,
        **font = opt.Btn[i].font or opt.font,**
        **size = opt.Btn[i].size or 14,**
        **label = opt.Btn[i].label or "",**
        **labelColor = opt.Btn[i].labelColor or { default={ 0, 0, 0}, over={ 0, 0, 0, 0.5 } },**
       -- else, construct a text button
      viewBtn[i] = widget.newButton(
       id = opt.Btn[i].id,
       left = 8,
       height = opt.Btn[i].height,
       label = opt.Btn[i].label,
       labelColor = opt.Btn[i].labelColor or { default={ 0, 0, 0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0, 0.5 } },
       onEvent = opt.Btn[i].onEvent,
       size = opt.Btn[i].size or 14,
       font = opt.Btn[i].font or opt.font,
for i = 1, #viewBtn do
    -- Set the buttons position
    viewBtn[i].x =	( ( opt.width / #viewBtn ) * i ) - ( opt.width / #viewBtn ) / 2
    viewBtn[i].y = opt.top + ( viewBtn[i].height * 0.5 ) 

if nil ~= viewBtn[i].label then
  if "" == viewBtn[i].label then
         viewBtn[i].y = opt.height + ( viewBtn[i].height * 0.5 )
-- Labels position	
local labelYOffset=opt.Btn[i].labelYOffset or 0
viewBtn[i].labelYOffset = opt.y + 
viewBtn[i].contentHeight + ( viewBtn[i].size ) +  labelYOffset
 return barContainer

The strange thing is that the parameters marked with asteriks are not passed from opt.Btn[i] to viewBtn[i]!

I’ve checked a lot of times the code but I fail to see what is wrong.

Please help me!

I’ve fixed the problem taking a part of tagBar widget:

if ( nil~=opt.Btn[i].defaultFile ) then  
    viewBtn[i] = widget.newButton(
    id = opt.Btn[i].id,	
    width = opt.Btn[i].width,
    height = opt.Btn[i].height,
    defaultFile = opt.Btn[i].defaultFile,
    overFile = opt.Btn[i].overFile,
    onEvent = opt.Btn[i].onEvent,
  local label = opt.Btn[i].label or ""
	  local labelFont = opt.Btn[i].font or opt.defaultLabelFont
	  local labelSize = opt.Btn[i].size or opt.defaultLabelSize
	  local labelColor = opt.Btn[i].labelColor or opt.defaultLabelColor
	  local labelXOffset = opt.Btn[i].labelXOffset or 0
	  local labelYOffset = opt.Btn[i].labelYOffset or 0
       viewBtn[i].font = opt.Btn[i].font or opt.font
       viewBtn[i].size = opt.Btn[i].size or 14
       viewBtn[i].label = opt.Btn[i].label or ""
       viewBtn[i].label = display.newText(label, 0, 0, labelFont, labelSize )
       viewBtn[i].label.text = label
       viewBtn[i].label:setFillColor( unpack( labelColor ) ) 
       viewBtn[i].label._xOffset = labelXOffset 
       viewBtn[i].label._yOffset = labelYOffset
       viewBtn[i].baseDir = opt.Btn[i].baseDir

Unfortunately I don’t understand why I had to do that! I think there is a difference between “options” and “parameters”.