I have a scene that has a button and changes between some info pages. The button Is hidden on the second page and is (as expected) not clickable when isVisible = false however. When I move to a new scene, removing the button from it’s group and making it nil in the exit event of the scene. Calling RemoveScene, PurgeScene and any other scene clearing I can imagine. The widget button is now invisible and clickable.
It seems that widget buttons are never actually deleted or removed properly no matter what you do.
Edit: To save all the “Have you tried X and Y” you can test this for yourself by creating a button with an over and default image. add it to a group. add that group to the scene view in enterscene and remove it’s children and then that group in the exitscene (I’m using storyboard). Now simply change to a seemingly empty new scene and voila your button isn’t there but, it’s still clickable. From what I can tell. The reason most people don’t run into this is that they have likely put other groups with event listeners over the button when they have changed scenes and simply haven’t noticed that the previous buttons are still there in ghost form.