Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my code, were my button is not responding when i touch it.
I have the following in my create scene, i use composer :
local visuals = require("visualValues") -- create() function scene:create( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view -- Code here runs when the scene is first created but has not yet appeared on screen --create buttons shapeButton = widget.newButton( visuals.buttonOptionsShapes ) shapeButton.onEvent = handleGameButton colorButton = widget.newButton( visuals.buttonOptionsColors ) colorButton.onRelease = handleGameButton switchButton = widget.newButton( visuals.buttonOptionsSwitch ) switchButton.onRelease = handleGameButton print( shapeButton.onEvent, colorButton.onRelease, switchButton.onRelease ) print( shapeButton.isEnabled, colorButton.isEnabled, switchButton.isEnabled ) --add to sceneGroup sceneGroup:insert(shapeButton) sceneGroup:insert(colorButton) sceneGroup:insert(switchButton) end
and this is in the visualValues file:
--visualValues.lua local w, h = display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight -- here are all the variables related to visual and ui local visualValues = {} visualValues.bgImage = "space.jpg" -- background image visualValues.buttonOptions = { fontSize = 30, labelColor = { default={ 254/255, 185/255, 21/255 }, over={ 139/255, 23/255, 7/255 }}, labelAlign="center" } visualValues.buttonOptionsShapes = TableConcat({ x = w\*0.5, y = (2/6)\*h-10, id = "shapes", label = "Shapes" }, visualValues.buttonOptions) visualValues.buttonOptionsColors = TableConcat({ x = w\*0.5, y = (3/6)\*h, id = "colors", label = "Colors" }, visualValues.buttonOptions) visualValues.buttonOptionsSwitch = TableConcat({ x = w\*0.5, y = (4/6)\*h+10, id = "switch", label = "Switch" }, visualValues.buttonOptions) return visualValues
And this is the outcome of the code:
function: 0x600000849e10 function: 0x600000849e10 function: 0x600000849e10 nil nil nil
First i tried it with onEvent = handleGameButton in the visualValues file but that didn’t work.
I hope i explained my problem enough for you guys, and if you have any questions please ask.
Thanks for you time
This is the function they are directed to:
local function handleGameButton( event )
--goto game screen
if event.phase == “ended” then
composer.gotoScene( “GameScene”, { effect = “fade”, time = 400, params = { mode = event.target.id } } )
return true
local function handleGameButton( event ) --goto game screen print("logging") if event.phase == "ended" then composer.gotoScene( "GameScene", { effect = "fade", time = 400, params = { mode = event.target.id } } ) end return true end
But i never get any logging in the console if i touch the buttons.
And the print(switch button.isEnabled) was just for testing purpose. the same as the onRelease because onEvent wasn’t working.
Oké, another update i got it to work although it doesn’t look that nice.
I changed this:
shapeButton = widget.newButton( visuals.buttonOptionsShapes ) shapeButton.onEvent = handleGameButton
into this:
shapeButton = widget.newButton( TableConcat(visuals.buttonOptionsShapes, {onEvent = handleGameButton}) )
this is the TableConcat function:
function TableConcat(t1,t2) for k, v in pairs(t2) do t1[k] = v end return t1 end