Call stack

Hi all,

I’m using Glider 2.0 201403101706  I love it as an IDE, but I rarely seem to have the call stack available when I’m debugging.

Usually in the call stack windows I have a little yellow block, and when I click on it I get two “Lua Session” lines come up, but no stack.

Looking in the output window the information is always correct with the line number and error, but obviously having the call stack available is a must.

Anyone else have this problem?


Hello tastymushroom,

Sorry for the inconvenience. We were not able to replicate this issue. Sorry if this is obvious but the call stack is only available when you are at a breakpoint. Could you please upload logs via help->upload logs so we can take a look at the issue.


M.Y. Developers


I’ve just uploaded the logs as requested.

So if the software crashes (say due to a nil value) I can’t see the call stack?

Are you saying I can only get the stack on a breakpoint I set rather than a crash?

I can send screen captures if it will help.

To re-create the problem just try to access a nil value, when the app crashes there is no stack.


– Here “fred” does not exist

    for i=fred.numChildren,1,-1 do

        local child = particleGroup[i]

        print (“removing particles” … " number of particles = " … particleGroup.numChildren )         

         display.remove( child )

         child = nil


Thanks M.Y.

Hello tastymushroom,

Sorry for the inconvenience. We were not able to replicate this issue. Sorry if this is obvious but the call stack is only available when you are at a breakpoint. Could you please upload logs via help->upload logs so we can take a look at the issue.


M.Y. Developers


I’ve just uploaded the logs as requested.

So if the software crashes (say due to a nil value) I can’t see the call stack?

Are you saying I can only get the stack on a breakpoint I set rather than a crash?

I can send screen captures if it will help.

To re-create the problem just try to access a nil value, when the app crashes there is no stack.


– Here “fred” does not exist

    for i=fred.numChildren,1,-1 do

        local child = particleGroup[i]

        print (“removing particles” … " number of particles = " … particleGroup.numChildren )         

         display.remove( child )

         child = nil


Thanks M.Y.