Camera (media.capturePhoto) plain not working

Solved. Turns out the problem was from overlooking that usesPermissions should be placed in build.settings, not config.lua.

Can you post your code including build.settings file?

Oh, shoot. Your post made me realize I should be writing the permissions in the build.settings file, not the config.lua file. Lesson learned: read and re-read the docs very carefully.

Thank you.

There is a forum thread for name changes.  I don’t think I have access to do it.  Brent usually handles posts to that thread.


Ah, okay. Thank you. 

Can you post your code including build.settings file?

Oh, shoot. Your post made me realize I should be writing the permissions in the build.settings file, not the config.lua file. Lesson learned: read and re-read the docs very carefully.

Thank you.

There is a forum thread for name changes.  I don’t think I have access to do it.  Brent usually handles posts to that thread.


Ah, okay. Thank you.