I made myself an early christmas pressent a got a new 12.9 inch ipad Pro.
This pad has a new facetime front camera with 7MPx.
I tested the camera source fill api hoping to see a clear camera view, but it is very blurry.
I played arround width different content settings in the config.lua, but it not getting any better.
Any ideas on that?
Thanks and a merry christmas everyone!!!
–simple code example:
local x = display.contentCenterX
local y = display.contentCenterY
local shape = display.newRect( x, y, display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight )
display.setDefault( “cameraSource”, “front” ) --front-facing camera
shape.fill = { type=“camera” }
local function updateScreen()
shape.fill = { type=“camera” }
Runtime:addEventListener( “enterFrame”, updateScreen )