can corona fulfill my dream quicker?

im in the lengthy process of creating my dream game, kind of like pokemon but without all the movement and jazz I j just want an offline game to share with my friends/family and strangers just to get some input and build a portfolio 

I recently finished the UI (create a character/ homescreen/ store/ inventory/ pets/ fight)

Anywho I was wondering if corona/.lua would be able to provide me with these tools 

  • stats-similar to pokemon (health, strength, defense,speed (determines how often your character/pet attacks… and decides the percent of a chance to evade an attack)
  • inventory- store and equip your weapons/armor/ other items
  • pets-  take 3 into battle with you with stats of their own
  • store- where you buy pets/armor/weapons and other items
  • fight- unlike pokemon this will not be turn based, instead the computer will generate the battle and outcome based on your stats/weapon/pets/armor

and if so any tutorials on how to implement these game mechanincs? maybe some 3rd party add ons or tutorials? you guys could link that i could learn/use


Yes to all, if you know how to code. Two guys just replied to someone else, but their replies work for you too -> read

@pixec thank you, you’ve done me a great favor