sent 10.82K bytes received 48 bytes 21.74K bytes/sec
total size is 39.69M speedup is 3650.69
Building: Processing plugins
ERROR: build command failed: cp -Rv “/var/folders/kq/m3zzrsj50w72rj_y2lb2d3tw0000gn/T/CLtmpV0q5oX-plugins”/* “/Users/rogerholmes/Desktop/”
ERROR: with exit code 1 and output:
cp: /var/folders/kq/m3zzrsj50w72rj_y2lb2d3tw0000gn/T/CLtmpV0q5oX-plugins/*: No such file or directory
ERROR: build command failed: find “/Users/rogerholmes/Desktop/” -type d -empty -delete
ERROR: with exit code 1 and output:
find: -delete: /Users/rogerholmes/Desktop/ relative path potentially not safe
/var/folders/kq/m3zzrsj50w72rj_y2lb2d3tw0000gn/T/ -> /Users/rogerholmes/Desktop/
/Volumes/ssd480/lua_projects/BusMasterOSX/Icon-osx.icns -> /Users/rogerholmes/Desktop/
Building: Cleaning up
macOS build succeeded in 1 seconds
---------- Launching: ~/Desktop/ ----------
2017-08-14 20:51:12.006 BusMasterOSX[11608:1802344] ERROR: Runtime error
?:0: attempt to index global ‘display’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
?: in main chunk
---------- Finished: ~/Desktop/ (exit code 11) ----------