Can someone tell me why DIRECTOR doesn't like this lua file

This works in the simulator and not on the actual device. Returns a Director ERROR params

module(…, package.seeall)
new = function ( params )
local localGroup = display.newGroup()

– Imports

local ui = require ( “ui” )

– Groups

– Display Objects

local background = display.newImage( “Cand.png” )
local title = display.newText( “Director Class”, 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 16 )
local createdBy = display.newText( “Created by Stephen”, 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 16 )
local website = display.newText( “”, 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 16 )

– Link

local goBlog = function ( event )
if event.phase == “ended” then
system.openURL( “” )

createdBy:addEventListener( “touch”, goBlog )
website:addEventListener( “touch”, goBlog )


– Functions

local bt01 = function ( event )
if event.phase == “release” then
director:changeScene( “stb01”, “moveFromRight” )

local bt02 = function ( event )
if event.phase == “release” then
director:changeScene( “word”, “overFromRight” )

local bt03 = function ( event )
if event.phase == “release” then
director:changeScene( “Hol”, “moveFromTop” )

local bt04 = function ( event )
if event.phase == “release” then
director:changeScene( “cat”, “overFromBottom” )

local bt05 = function ( event )
if event.phase == “release” then
director:changeScene( “Ion”, “flip” )

local bt06 = function ( event )
if event.phase == “release” then
director:changeScene( “ni”, “downFlip” )

– UI Objects

local bt01 = ui.newButton{
default = “Bi.png”,
over = “Bi.png”,
onEvent = bt01,
id = “bt01”

local bt02 = ui.newButton{
default = “eu.png”,
over = “eu.png”,
onEvent = bt02,
id = “bt02”

local bt03 = ui.newButton{
default = “do.png”,
over = “do.png”,
onEvent = bt03,
id = “bt03”

local bt04 = ui.newButton{
default = “hp.png”,
over = “hp.png”,
onEvent = bt04,
id = “bt04”

local bt05 = ui.newButton{
default = “ca.png”,
over = “ca.png”,
onEvent = bt05,
id = “bt05”

local bt06 = ui.newButton{
default = “Ca.png”,
over = “Ca.png”,
onEvent = bt06,
id = “bt06”

– Inserts

localGroup:insert( background )
localGroup:insert( title )
localGroup:insert( createdBy )
localGroup:insert( website )
localGroup:insert( bt01 )
localGroup:insert( bt02 )
localGroup:insert( bt03 )
localGroup:insert( bt04 )
localGroup:insert( bt05 )
localGroup:insert( bt06 )

– Positions

bt01.x = 105
bt01.y = 580

bt02.x = 270
bt02.y = 580

bt03.x = 435
bt03.y = 580

bt04.x = 610
bt04.y = 580

bt05.x = 785
bt05.y = 580

bt06.x = 920
bt06.y = 580

createdBy.x = 160
createdBy.y = 440

website.x = 160
website.y = 460

– Colors

– Listeners

– Listener

– Initiate variables

– MUST return a display.newGroup()

return localGroup;


[/code] [import]uid: 88495 topic_id: 29483 reply_id: 329483[/import]

Are you using a code manager such as CPM?
If so, are you sure the file that is being compiled is REALLY the one that is being used in the simulator? [import]uid: 108660 topic_id: 29483 reply_id: 118372[/import]

I don’t under stand the question [import]uid: 88495 topic_id: 29483 reply_id: 118393[/import]

Your right. Using CPM, It states: The system cannot find the file - project. What does that entale? [import]uid: 88495 topic_id: 29483 reply_id: 118394[/import]

Yeah, no, still having trouble especially since CPM has update issues right now.

THe code compiles correctly in simulator but not on actual device. [import]uid: 88495 topic_id: 29483 reply_id: 118395[/import]

The file was calling on local groups that were not present. That fixed it, moving on to the next piece of the code. Thanks. Also, I also could not get CPM to work, there is a bug for updates that I could not get to update the program. [import]uid: 88495 topic_id: 29483 reply_id: 120313[/import]

Now I’m having issues with my Hit areas on my buttons. I’m not sure were to post this issue.Thanks. [import]uid: 88495 topic_id: 29483 reply_id: 120320[/import]

The file was calling on local groups that were not present. That fixed it, moving on to the next piece of the code. Thanks. Also, I also could not get CPM to work, there is a bug for updates that I could not get to update the program. [import]uid: 88495 topic_id: 29483 reply_id: 120313[/import]

Now I’m having issues with my Hit areas on my buttons. I’m not sure were to post this issue.Thanks. [import]uid: 88495 topic_id: 29483 reply_id: 120320[/import]