Can windows app take screenshots of the desktop?

Can windows app take screenshots of the desktop? I found a display.captureBounds() that only screenshots the contents of the app. Can other apis get the desktop of the screen?

This news is very important to me. Please let me know if you know. Thank you very much.

This news is very important to me. Please let me know if you know. Thank you very much.

Stop posting so often.  No.  You can only take a screenshot of your app.

I posted my network card, so I posted it twice.

What about image processing such as cropping? Which apis or plugins are used?

  1. You posted the first post at 0726 and then posted twice more at 0733 and 0738.  While the last two were the same and leads me to think the third was a mistake, the fact that you posted at 0726 and then made a new post at 0733 is silly. 

Wait a day before poking a post.

  1. There are no plugins involved in capturing the screen (app screen only).  If you need to crop an image, use a mask.

The basis sequence would be:

A. Grab screen.

B. Display grabbed image in a group.

C. Mask the group.

D. Do a second save of the masked group to get just the masked part of the image.

Alternately, you could:

A. Put all your content in a group.

B. Mask that group

C. Save that group to an image on your device/disk.

  1. For how to save see the API docs:

You should tell us in clear and concise detail what you need to use this feature for.  Then you might get better and more useful feedback.

This news is very important to me. Please let me know if you know. Thank you very much.

This news is very important to me. Please let me know if you know. Thank you very much.

Stop posting so often.  No.  You can only take a screenshot of your app.

I posted my network card, so I posted it twice.

What about image processing such as cropping? Which apis or plugins are used?

  1. You posted the first post at 0726 and then posted twice more at 0733 and 0738.  While the last two were the same and leads me to think the third was a mistake, the fact that you posted at 0726 and then made a new post at 0733 is silly. 

Wait a day before poking a post.

  1. There are no plugins involved in capturing the screen (app screen only).  If you need to crop an image, use a mask.

The basis sequence would be:

A. Grab screen.

B. Display grabbed image in a group.

C. Mask the group.

D. Do a second save of the masked group to get just the masked part of the image.

Alternately, you could:

A. Put all your content in a group.

B. Mask that group

C. Save that group to an image on your device/disk.

  1. For how to save see the API docs:

You should tell us in clear and concise detail what you need to use this feature for.  Then you might get better and more useful feedback.