Can you create this kind of app?

Hello, I have a list of 78 apps to create and I was wondering if I would be able to create them all with Corona SDK or some would have to be done with native (iOS) with Swift or objc.

In my list just the apps below, I was wondering if I could create with Corona, can anyone tell if it can do with Corona (with some explanatory example) or even joining Corona with some external service (eg Node or php to any eventual backend)…

- FM Radio (This one I know I can’t do because Corona doesn’t support running in the background on iOS)

  • Application to monitor ping of a connection, same as ping -t

  • Print to a printer without airPrint (even if you need to install an app on your computer for communication)

  • Rotate a video made by device, horizontal or vertical

ping would be possible because we support TCP/IP sockets through the Lua socket library.

Printing to a printer is a challenge because Corona is almost all Graphics. There may be a PDF creating library or plugin in our Marketplace, but realistically you’re going to be capturing an image from the screen and graphically printing it. A third party application that can print things could print a captured screen.

The FM radio is out as well as rotating/editing of videos without some help from native programming. It might be possible to do the video work in Corona Native where most of your app is in Lua but some functionality in Native

Thank’s Rob.

ping would be possible because we support TCP/IP sockets through the Lua socket library.

Printing to a printer is a challenge because Corona is almost all Graphics. There may be a PDF creating library or plugin in our Marketplace, but realistically you’re going to be capturing an image from the screen and graphically printing it. A third party application that can print things could print a captured screen.

The FM radio is out as well as rotating/editing of videos without some help from native programming. It might be possible to do the video work in Corona Native where most of your app is in Lua but some functionality in Native

Thank’s Rob.